force11 / force11-sciwg

FORCE11 Software Citation Implementation Working Group
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Interesting paper about integrating software citation with Git #94

Open sdruskat opened 5 years ago

sdruskat commented 5 years ago

Just stumbled across this: Automating Software Citation using GitCite on arXiv.

The authors tackle software citation through citation functions (based on the CoreCover algorithm) on nodes in a version of the repository tree, and couple git operations with citation operations (add/delete/modify).

While the system doesn't seem to fix existing issues with, e.g., automated retrieval of correct metadata for authorship, it is certainly an interesting take on citation automation.

katrinleinweber commented 5 years ago

Am I missing the link to their code in the PDF, or did they not publish that?!? The "Source" on arXiv doesn't contain anything besides the TeX files. comes up empty as well as of Fri Jun 21 19:06:12 CEST 2019 🤷‍♀

sdruskat commented 5 years ago

They've eaten their own dog food and provide links to commits in a listing (Listing 1) of a citation.citefile, but no usable (with reagrds to the Principles) citations :confused: ...

The repositories in question are:

The actual implementations have can be cobbled together from the commit IDs and the repo URLs in the listing. Interesting approach, albeit not entirely in line with the Principles.

katrinleinweber commented 5 years ago

"GUI" is a 1 to 2 years-old Data Citation Demo, not the Chrome extension the paper seems to mention. Maybe @thuwuyinjun, @chenlica and/or @Yanssie can clarify? From where can I install GitCite and test it under real-world conditions?

sdruskat commented 5 years ago

According to the Listing, this commit is referenced as the GUI contribution:

katrinleinweber commented 5 years ago

Yes, but apparently that's a different project, which they just happen to use as an example in the GitCite paper, or am I missing something? If not, this seems like another thing that's not providing any minimally useful example (#48).