forcedotcom / SalesforceMobileSDK-Android

Android SDK for Salesforce
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'AuthWebviewHelper' is deprecated. This class will no longer be public starting in Mobile SDK 13.0. :37 #2569

Closed johnjeremih closed 1 month ago

johnjeremih commented 1 month ago

Please fill out the following details:

  1. Version of Mobile SDK Used: 13.0.0
  2. Issue found in Native App or Hybrid App: native
  3. OS Version: 14
  4. Device: Pixel 8

Hello there; I would like to know how I can fix this warning for the 13.0.0 release.

image image image

Here are the implementations

wmathurin commented 1 month ago

Maybe we ask why/how you need to create an instance of this class in your application?

johnjeremih commented 1 month ago

@wmathurin We are creating a custom login page. Here is the class I created a ticket back in 2022 #2291

wmathurin commented 1 month ago

We will provide a new public method in 12.x or 13.0. Until then you can just annotate your code to suppress the warning.

johnjeremih commented 1 month ago

@wmathurin, Thank you. Also, I'm open to contributing to the codebase and getting more familiar with it. I currently use it at my job and would like to be a part of it.