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RESTKit errors on requests with long query strings #25

Closed jhersh closed 12 years ago

jhersh commented 12 years ago

I'm seeing an error thrown when I try to perform a retrieve (either with the block methods or by manually creating a request) with many fields.

Retrieving an account record with 3 fields specified (id, name, industry) works fine, but I'm trying to render a full page layout (as many as 500 fields, possibly more due to lookup fields).

A retrieve using the exact same fields on the exact same record, but over SOAP/zksforce, works.

The request generated:

The error:

2012-01-05 15:37:21.881 SF Viewer[85690:40b] *** -[__NSCFConstantString stringByAppendingPathComponent:]: cannot append path '/services/data/v23.0/sobjects/Account/0013000000sps6sAAA?' to path ''

Update: This happens on any request with a long query string.

tstellanova-sfdc commented 12 years ago

Looks like this is buried down in RestKit ...will take a look

tstellanova-sfdc commented 12 years ago

It seems someone has reported this issue with RestKit previously (see No fix posted on RestKit yet.

jhersh commented 12 years ago

Ah, unfortunate :/ Looks like all my retrieves will be stuck on SOAP.

jhersh commented 12 years ago

That issue thread suggests what seems to be a simple enough fix. Perhaps we could implement it here?

jhersh commented 12 years ago

It's worth noting that this impacts more than retrieve. I hit this same error while performing a SOSL search, so this may manifest in any REST request with a sufficiently large query string. I am having to revert to SOAP calls for many of my requests. :(

tstellanova-sfdc commented 12 years ago

Yeah it sounds like the right way to fix this would be to submit a fix to RestKit. At the moment we use a simple submodule reference to a specific RestKit version. However, for PhoneGap/callback-ios we actually reference our own fork to decouple ourselves a bit from the churn on PhoneGap (now "cordova-ios"). We could do something similar with RestKit since we're probably overdue for a RestKit refresh anyway. I'll discuss with the team internally. This is an important issue and we don't want to let it slip through the cracks.

tstellanova-sfdc commented 12 years ago

First step is in progress. See:

tstellanova-sfdc commented 12 years ago

fixed with latest code