forcedotcom / code-builder-feedback

This repository is used to collect feedback for the Code Builder beta.
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While creating the environment it took more than 30 mins. #156

Closed karkranikhil closed 2 years ago

karkranikhil commented 2 years ago

What is your role? Developer

What do you normally work on when building on the Salesforce Platform? Everything

What tools do you use today to develop on the Salesforce Platform? Visual studio code

How do you see Code Builder fitting into your current workflow? Will it replace any tools you are currently using? Not much, but happy to explore.

General feedback While creating the environment almost took more than 30 mins.


arun12209 commented 2 years ago

Same here. For me It took longer than an hour to create the environment.

Abhishekrazy commented 2 years ago

Yes, Same here, in VScode it's just a matter of seconds before the environment is created but it's taking so much more time. I think it's allocating the resources for us in our environment maybe that's the reason

tellanad commented 2 years ago

Same here , took more time .

Insouciance commented 2 years ago

Greater than 30 minutes and still going. To think I'll have to wait more than an hour is frustrating.

smaddox-sf commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting this. We will investigate. It should not be taking that long to create an environment.

ryanbrainard commented 2 years ago

This issue should now be resolved. We had a provisioning issue that we fixed on the backend. Please let us know if you continue to see issues. Sorry for the inconvenience this caused.