forcedotcom / code-builder-feedback

This repository is used to collect feedback for the Code Builder beta.
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Please make Code Builder Generally Available (GA) #216

Closed pgonzaleznetwork closed 10 months ago

pgonzaleznetwork commented 1 year ago

What is your role?

Salesforce Architect

What do you normally work on when building on the Salesforce Platform?

CI/CD Pipelines

What tools do you use today to develop on the Salesforce Platform?

Salesforce CLI and VS Code

How do you see Code Builder fitting into your current workflow? Will it replace any tools you are currently using?

It can be a game changer for admins, read below

General feedback

Hi Code Builder team,

I'm a Salesforce Architect specializing in CI/CD solutions, and I was doing research on how to create a "Git for Admins" training course.

I came across Code Builder and was blown away by how easy it is to spin up an environment ready with SFDX and Git.

One of the main reasons Admins haven't adopted Git is because of the hassle of downloading VS Code, Git, Salesforce CLI, etc.; many of them run into errors that are hard to resolve or need IT support.

Code Builder can potentially democratize SFDX and Git for anyone, regardless of technical knowledge.

I'm convinced that once Code Builder is GA (Generally Available), we'll finally be able to teach admins how to use Git and SFDX in no time. It really has the potential to be one of the most impactful innovations in a long time.

So, I'm here to tell you to please make this GA as soon as possible. The community desperately needs this, and you have build an amazing product so far.


pgonzaleznetwork commented 1 year ago

Hi @smaddox-sf !

I'm excited to help with feedback. I signed up to the link provided but I don't see any tests yet, is this expected?

smaddox-sf commented 1 year ago

@pgonzaleznetwork - Awesome! Thank you! Yes, that is expected right now. This week, we're gathering sign-ups and next week, you'll receive an email with with all the info to participate. Apologies if that was unclear in my previous post. Thank you again for participating! We are grateful for the feedback.

Meglong commented 1 year ago

Hey! I'm Meg and I'm one of the UX designers for Code Builder -- I LOVE this thread! Thank you all so much for sharing.

@smaddox-sf above mentioned the research study we're doing. If anyone is interested in participating, there's still time to sign up sign up.

Our team will reach out to participants next week with a sneak peak of prototypes we're considering, and way to submit some quick feedback.

Thank you to everyone who has signed up already! Really excited to get your thoughts.

Meglong commented 1 year ago

@pgonzaleznetwork (and others who signed up) yesterday you should have received the invite link to participate in the research study. If you didn't receive it, try logging into your account and it should be accessible from your main dashboard under 'available tests.'

If you're not able to access the test or your usertesting account, try signing up again using the original signup link. Once you create your account, the test should show up in your dashboard under 'available tests' after a minute or two.

It should take about 10 minutes to complete.

If you're having any issues accessing let me know - thank you so much for your time and feedback!

pgonzaleznetwork commented 1 year ago

@Meglong I got the notification that new tests were available, I started it, but had to exist just before actually starting it due to a situation at home. Now when I log in, I don't see any tests available.

Can you make them available for me again?

Meglong commented 1 year ago

@pgonzaleznetwork Yes I think so! I can send you another invite -- what is your usertesting username? Feel free to email it to me at meg [dot] long [at] salesforce [dot] com

cmwagner commented 1 year ago

My company's security policies do not allow me to install software on my work computer, requiring instead that I open a ticket with our HelpDesk personnel who have network admin privileges. Installing everything (i.e., [1] Salesforce CLI, [2] Zulu OpenJDK, [3] Visual Studio Code, and [4] Salesforce Extension Pack) is quite the ordeal, and that's only after I convince them that I need these things. And don't get me started on periodic updates.

I'm really looking forward to Salesforce once again being the "No Software" solution where I can develop LWCs and more, all within a browser based IDE. It looks like there may be some concern about the challenging steps required to get started on Code Builder. Is it really more difficult than getting started with software-based VS Code? If it is such a hurdle to set up, must we limit the Beta users in hours used or days of trial? You know, "all that work" for so little time with the tool?


RAJA-VONTIER commented 1 year ago


Thank you for providing the amazing product Code Builder. It saved lot of my time and IT help desk team efforts without downloading any Software i.e. VSCode, Git, Salesforce CLI and SFDX on my laptop! Looking forward to use it without time limits.

smaddox-sf commented 10 months ago

Thank you again for all your excitement and willingness to share the value Code Builder brings for your team. I'm thrilled to announce that Code Builder is now GA!