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A successfull Devops promotion with nothing installed ! Fatal Error not shown. #250

Open fprovot opened 1 year ago

fprovot commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

An error on promotion on a sandbox has not been detected by DevopsCenter. The deployment failed but is shown as succeeded.

To Reproduce

With devops center we created a big Work Item. Devops proposed by itself the components. There were so many components that we didn't see an unwanted deletion included. This deletion was already done in production (without devops) and also then on the next sandbox where we wanted to promote the WI. The object was here a listview (named PKG_SAL_BEL_All_Opportunities).

But nevertheless the WI has been successfully promoted on Devops Center to the target sandbox. But nothing was installed ! (or at least for objects we checked)

Looking on the target sandbox, on the deployment status page, there is a fatal error (about this listview because this listview can't be suppressed as it never existed).

So we didn't see on Devops a problem, we looked at the sandbox status because of the missing updates on the target to find out there was a problem.

Screenshots See attached screenshots

Expected The error must be shown in devops center. Note that when there is a list of "Component Errors" in the deployment Details page (with api name, etc), this is shown in Devops. Here there is not such a list, perhaps the reason why it is not reported back.

Best Regards Frederic

1-DevOps Center_status 2-SF-Status-Page 3-SF-status-all

geomuck commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the details @fprovot !

We have an existing work item, W-12130748, for this use case, and we hope to get it delivered with the next DevOps Center patch release.

RupertBarrow commented 1 year ago

@geomuck How often are patch releases ?

geomuck commented 1 year ago

Hello @RupertBarrow !

The team is still working on defining the cadence for our patch releases. We did, however, release an update within our Heroku app for the Fatal Error issue on Friday of last week. Please feel free to try your use case again (either on purpose or on accident!) and let us know if you see this behavior again?
