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Button to force resync with Github #261

Open mathieu-lanefour opened 1 year ago

mathieu-lanefour commented 1 year ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. For one of our clients we're unable to develop in developer sandboxes and need to use partials/full copies due to using a third party search/index so we need records with the same IDs. Because of this we have to commit our work to the Github branch outside of the DevOps Center and wait for the DevOps Center to sync with Github to pick up these changes. This unfortunately doesn't seem to happen on a regular schedule that I can tell and happens far too infrequently. One of my Devs will check in their changes to a branch but then can't create the review until DevOps Center syncs so they have to wait potentially hours before they can even create the review/PR, then if there's a conflict they have to resolve or the PR asks for a change we have to wait hours again for a sync to be able to promote and something that could have been promoted in the morning ends up not getting to the next stage until EOD or the next day.

Describe the solution you'd like Ideally DevOps Center would listen to webhooks from Github and resync whenever there's been changes to a branch associated with a work item. But we'd be happy with just a button on the work item and allows us to kick off a sync so we don't have to sit around and wait to action the next step in the pipeline.

Alternatively we could live with a setting that lets us configure how frequently to sync with Github so we can sync say every half hour. But in this current state I'm not sure we're going to be able to keep using DevOps Center it's just slowing us down too much.

mathieu-lanefour commented 1 year ago

After doing some more digging here I do see that DevOps Center is using Github Events webhooks and it's Github that's slow to send the event in these situations. So my apologies for assuming otherwise.

Given this seems to be a re-occurring issue with Github I think we really need a way to force a sync on a work item, it can just take too long to sync and we're losing too much time.