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UX Overhaul #283

Open msteinersalesforce opened 4 months ago

msteinersalesforce commented 4 months ago

There are things I really like about the DevOps Center UI and things that are frustrating.

For people very new to DevOps, the pipeline visual is amazing. I'd argue we need an additional column on the left in the pipeline for all the NEW work items (somewhat confusing to have to do to another screen to see those). I'm often sorting the full work item list to see where things are at. Work Item list gets really long really quickly, so the ability to see work items in the different stages faster would be super helpful.

I kinda hate that DevOps center launches in a whole separate UI/App/Tab from standard salesforce. Often I don't have the ability to right click and open things in a new tab.

I've worked around this by created a custom tab for the sfdevopswork_item__c object and just accessing work item records directly that way. I also added chatter to the lightning page so I can converse with colleagues back and forth about a work item's progress (would love to see this become standard Salesforce).

Example Use Case... I'm user or customer and have a new request. I create a new work item.

New work item gets assigned to the build team (probably a BA to assess the requirements and write up a user story) (SOOO many fields could be added to a work item (persona, acceptance criteria, assumptions, solution, story points, etc.)

BA passes the work item back to the customer for sign off.

Customer signs off, passes back to build team.

Build team completes build work, assigns to QA team.

QA team signs off, passes back to dev or release managed to deploy to UAT. Release manager deploys to UAT, passes to customer for UAT. Customer approves or finds a bug (provide way for customer to create NEW related work item as a bug to the one they were testing).

You get the idea. Of course there's tools like Jira that do all this on steriods and I know there's future Jira integration plans but for TONS of customers that are small to medium businesses (your target market for DevOps Center anyway since the larger folks are using Copado, Gearset, etc. anyway) this acts as a nice, small poor man's version of Jira and deployment tool all in one.

I've hacked this quite a bit already and would be happy to demo what I've done.