forcedotcom / scrollerjs

A JavaScript library that helps you build performant UI components for the web.
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Improved use of the touch-action css property #3

Closed jtangelder closed 9 years ago

jtangelder commented 9 years ago

The touch-action property helps detecting/preventing touch actions. Setting the none value on the HTML makes the whole page none-scrollable on Windows Phone. I've replaced it to set it to the correct value for the horizontal/vertical scrollers. This also might improve detection/preventing the default of the touches on Chrome Mobile and Firefox Mobile.

Also, my IDE did some small cleanup on spaces and a empty newline.

diervo commented 9 years ago

I think you are right. For all my examples worked because I had never non full-screen scrollers, and so never run into that issue.

I will get the changes, ask our manual testers to do a pass in our environments and check it in asap.


diervo commented 9 years ago

By the way, I don't have it in the documentation yet (I have to update it), but would you mind send the pullRequest against development branch instead of master? If not, don't worry I will do it.

jtangelder commented 9 years ago
