Title : Assistant not working when creating local file links in markdown
Introduction: This PR aims to address an issue where the assistant incorrectly handles local file links in Markdown, causing them to malfunction.
Changes Made: I have made modifications to the assistant's behavior when creating local file links. Now, when a local file is selected from the dropdown, the link text will correctly display only the selected filename, without appending any previously typed characters.
Benefits/Impact: Users will experience improved functionality when creating local file links in Markdown documents. The assistant will provide the expected behavior, making the process more intuitive and reliable.
Title : Assistant not working when creating local file links in markdown
Introduction: This PR aims to address an issue where the assistant incorrectly handles local file links in Markdown, causing them to malfunction.
Changes Made: I have made modifications to the assistant's behavior when creating local file links. Now, when a local file is selected from the dropdown, the link text will correctly display only the selected filename, without appending any previously typed characters.
Benefits/Impact: Users will experience improved functionality when creating local file links in Markdown documents. The assistant will provide the expected behavior, making the process more intuitive and reliable.
Related Issues: None