forderud / QtWasm

Dockerfile for building Qt projects for WebAssembly
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Could NOT find Qt6QmlImportScanner #11

Closed forderud closed 1 year ago

forderud commented 1 year ago

Problem associated with branch.

-- Could NOT find Qt6QmlImportScanner (missing: Qt6QmlImportScanner_DIR)
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:13 (find_package):
  Found package configuration file:


  but it set Qt6_FOUND to FALSE so package "Qt6" is considered to be NOT
  FOUND.  Reason given by package:

  Failed to find required Qt component "QmlImportScanner".

  Expected Config file at
  does NOT exist

  Configuring with -DCMAKE_FIND_DEBUG_MODE=TRUE might reveal details why the
  package was not found.

  Configuring with -DQT_DEBUG_FIND_PACKAGE=ON will print the values of some
  of the path variables that find_package uses to try and find the package.

Image Qt SDK content:

# pwd
# ls qml*
qml  qmldom  qmleasing  qmlformat  qmllint  qmlls  qmlplugindump  qmlpreview  qmlprofiler  qmlscene  qmltc  qmltestrunner  qmltime

# pwd
# ls
cooker.js  qt-cmake          qt-cmake-private-install.cmake  qt-configure-module  target_qt.conf
qmake      qt-cmake-private  qt-cmake-standalone-test        qtpaths

As seen, qmlimportscanner is missing from both bin folders. It was supposed to be present in the x64 Qt "host" SDK bin folder.

forderud commented 1 year ago

Qt 5.15 SDK content (for reference):

# pwd
# ls qml*
qmlcachegen  qmlformat  qmlimportscanner  qmllint  qmlmin  qmltyperegistrar
forderud commented 1 year ago

Tried switching to CMake-based building with:

RUN cmake --build .
RUN cmake --install .

However, that did not help in building qmlimportscanner.

forderud commented 1 year ago

Tried building Qt-x64 without the -nomake examples -nomake tests arguments. However, that did not help either.

forderud commented 1 year ago

Qt x64 configure summary when building the Docker image with --progress=plain:

#17 44.06 Building for: linux-g++ (x86_64, CPU features: mmx sse sse2)
#17 44.06 Compiler: gcc 11.3.0
#17 44.06 Build options:
#17 44.06   Mode ................................... release
#17 44.06   Optimize release build for size ........ no
#17 44.06   Fully optimize release builds (-O3) .... no
#17 44.06   Building shared libraries .............. yes
#17 44.06   Using C standard ....................... C11
#17 44.06   Using C++ standard ..................... C++17
#17 44.06   Using ccache ........................... no
#17 44.06   Using new DTAGS ........................ yes
#17 44.06   Relocatable ............................ yes
#17 44.06   Using precompiled headers .............. yes
#17 44.06   Using LTCG ............................. no
#17 44.06   Using Intel CET ........................ yes
#17 44.06   Target compiler supports:
#17 44.06     SSE .................................. SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2
#17 44.06     AVX .................................. AVX AVX2 VAES
#17 44.06     AVX512 ............................... F ER CD PF DQ BW VL IFMA VBMI AVX512VBMI2
#17 44.06     Other x86 ............................ AES F16C RDRAND SHA
#17 44.06   Sanitizers:
#17 44.06     Addresses ............................ no
#17 44.06     Threads .............................. no
#17 44.06     Memory ............................... no
#17 44.06     Fuzzer (instrumentation only) ........ no
#17 44.06     Undefined ............................ no
#17 44.06   Build parts ............................ libs tools
#17 44.06 Qt modules and options:
#17 44.06   Qt Concurrent .......................... yes
#17 44.06   Qt D-Bus ............................... yes
#17 44.06   Qt D-Bus directly linked to libdbus .... no
#17 44.06   Qt Gui ................................. yes
#17 44.06   Qt Network ............................. yes
#17 44.06   Qt PrintSupport ........................ yes
#17 44.06   Qt Sql ................................. yes
#17 44.06   Qt Testlib ............................. yes
#17 44.06   Qt Widgets ............................. yes
#17 44.06   Qt Xml ................................. yes
#17 44.06 Support enabled for:
#17 44.06   Using pkg-config ....................... no
#17 44.06   udev ................................... no
#17 44.06   Using system zlib ...................... no
#17 44.06   Zstandard support ...................... no
#17 44.06   Thread support ......................... yes
#17 44.06 Common build options:
#17 44.06   Linker can resolve circular dependencies  yes
#17 44.06 Qt Core:
#17 44.06   backtrace .............................. yes
#17 44.06   DoubleConversion ....................... yes
#17 44.06     Using system DoubleConversion ........ no
#17 44.06   GLib ................................... no
#17 44.06   ICU .................................... no
#17 44.06   Using system libb2 ..................... no
#17 44.06   Built-in copy of the MIME database ..... yes
#17 44.06   cpp/winrt base ......................... no
#17 44.06   Tracing backend ........................ <none>
#17 44.06   Logging backends:
#17 44.06     journald ............................. no
#17 44.06     syslog ............................... no
#17 44.06     slog2 ................................ no
#17 44.06   PCRE2 .................................. yes
#17 44.06     Using system PCRE2 ................... no
#17 44.06   CLONE_PIDFD support in forkfd .......... yes
#17 44.06 Qt Sql:
#17 44.06   SQL item models ........................ yes
#17 44.06 Qt Network:
#17 44.06   getifaddrs() ........................... yes
#17 44.06   IPv6 ifname ............................ yes
#17 44.06   libproxy ............................... no
#17 44.06   Linux AF_NETLINK ....................... yes
#17 44.06   OpenSSL ................................ no
#17 44.06     Qt directly linked to OpenSSL ........ no
#17 44.06   OpenSSL 1.1 ............................ no
#17 44.06   DTLS ................................... no
#17 44.06   OCSP-stapling .......................... no
#17 44.06   SCTP ................................... no
#17 44.06   Use system proxies ..................... yes
#17 44.06   GSSAPI ................................. no
#17 44.06   Brotli Decompression Support ........... no
#17 44.06   qTopLevelDomain() ...................... yes
#17 44.06     Built-in publicsuffix database ....... yes
#17 44.06     System publicsuffix database ......... yes
#17 44.06 Core tools:
#17 44.06   Android deployment tool ................ yes
#17 44.06   macOS deployment tool .................. no
#17 44.06   Windows deployment tool ................ no
#17 44.06   qmake .................................. yes
#17 44.06 Qt Gui:
#17 44.06   Accessibility .......................... yes
#17 44.06   FreeType ............................... yes
#17 44.06     Using system FreeType ................ no
#17 44.06   HarfBuzz ............................... yes
#17 44.06     Using system HarfBuzz ................ no
#17 44.06   Fontconfig ............................. no
#17 44.06   Image formats:
#17 44.06     GIF .................................. yes
#17 44.06     ICO .................................. yes
#17 44.06     JPEG ................................. yes
#17 44.06       Using system libjpeg ............... no
#17 44.06     PNG .................................. yes
#17 44.06       Using system libpng ................ no
#17 44.06   Text formats:
#17 44.06     HtmlParser ........................... yes
#17 44.06     CssParser ............................ yes
#17 44.06     OdfWriter ............................ yes
#17 44.06     MarkdownReader ....................... yes
#17 44.06       Using system libmd4c ............... no
#17 44.06     MarkdownWriter ....................... yes
#17 44.06   EGL .................................... yes
#17 44.06   OpenVG ................................. no
#17 44.06   OpenGL:
#17 44.06     Desktop OpenGL ....................... yes
#17 44.06     OpenGL ES 2.0 ........................ no
#17 44.06     OpenGL ES 3.0 ........................ no
#17 44.06     OpenGL ES 3.1 ........................ no
#17 44.06     OpenGL ES 3.2 ........................ no
#17 44.06   Vulkan ................................. no
#17 44.06   Session Management ..................... yes
#17 44.06 Features used by QPA backends:
#17 44.06   evdev .................................. yes
#17 44.06   libinput ............................... no
#17 44.06   HiRes wheel support in libinput ........ no
#17 44.06   INTEGRITY HID .......................... no
#17 44.06   mtdev .................................. no
#17 44.06   tslib .................................. no
#17 44.06   xkbcommon .............................. no
#17 44.06   X11 specific:
#17 44.06     XLib ................................. yes
#17 44.06     XCB Xlib ............................. no
#17 44.06     EGL on X11 ........................... yes
#17 44.06     xkbcommon-x11 ........................ no
#17 44.06     xcb-sm ............................... no
#17 44.06 QPA backends:
#17 44.06   DirectFB ............................... no
#17 44.06   EGLFS .................................. yes
#17 44.06   EGLFS details:
#17 44.06     EGLFS OpenWFD ........................ no
#17 44.06     EGLFS i.Mx6 .......................... no
#17 44.06     EGLFS i.Mx6 Wayland .................. no
#17 44.06     EGLFS RCAR ........................... no
#17 44.06     EGLFS EGLDevice ...................... yes
#17 44.06     EGLFS GBM ............................ no
#17 44.06     EGLFS VSP2 ........................... no
#17 44.06     EGLFS Mali ........................... no
#17 44.06     EGLFS Raspberry Pi ................... no
#17 44.06     EGLFS X11 ............................ no
#17 44.06   LinuxFB ................................ yes
#17 44.06   VNC .................................... yes
#17 44.06   VK_KHR_display ......................... no
#17 44.06   QNX:
#17 44.06     lgmon ................................ no
#17 44.06     IMF .................................. no
#17 44.06   XCB:
#17 44.06     Using system-provided xcb-xinput ..... no
#17 44.06     GL integrations:
#17 44.06       GLX Plugin ......................... no
#17 44.06         XCB GLX .......................... no
#17 44.06       EGL-X11 Plugin ..................... no
#17 44.06   Windows:
#17 44.06     Direct 2D ............................ no
#17 44.06     Direct 2D 1.1 ........................ no
#17 44.06     DirectWrite .......................... no
#17 44.06     DirectWrite 3 ........................ no
#17 44.06 Qt Widgets:
#17 44.06   GTK+ ................................... no
#17 44.06   Styles ................................. Fusion Windows
#17 44.06 Qt Testlib:
#17 44.06   Tester for item models ................. yes
#17 44.06 Qt PrintSupport:
#17 44.06   CUPS ................................... no
#17 44.06 Qt Sql Drivers:
#17 44.06   DB2 (IBM) .............................. no
#17 44.06   InterBase .............................. no
#17 44.06   MySql .................................. no
#17 44.06   OCI (Oracle) ........................... no
#17 44.06   ODBC ................................... no
#17 44.06   PostgreSQL ............................. no
#17 44.06   SQLite ................................. yes
#17 44.06     Using system provided SQLite ......... no
#17 44.06 Further Image Formats:
#17 44.06   JasPer ................................. no
#17 44.06   MNG .................................... no
#17 44.06   TIFF ................................... yes
#17 44.06     Using system libtiff ................. no
#17 44.06   WEBP ................................... yes
#17 44.06     Using system libwebp ................. no
#17 44.06 Qt QML:
#17 44.06   QML network support .................... yes
#17 44.06   QML debugging and profiling support .... yes
#17 44.06   QML just-in-time compiler .............. yes
#17 44.06   QML XML http request ................... yes
#17 44.06   QML Locale ............................. yes
#17 44.06 Qt QML Models:
#17 44.06   QML list model ......................... yes
#17 44.06   QML delegate model ..................... yes
#17 44.06 Qt Quick:
#17 44.06   AnimatedImage item ..................... yes
#17 44.06   Canvas item ............................ yes
#17 44.06   Support for Qt Quick Designer .......... yes
#17 44.06   Flipable item .......................... yes
#17 44.06   GridView item .......................... yes
#17 44.06   ListView item .......................... yes
#17 44.06   TableView item ......................... yes
#17 44.06   TreeView item .......................... yes
#17 44.06   Path support ........................... yes
#17 44.06   PathView item .......................... yes
#17 44.06   Positioner items ....................... yes
#17 44.06   Repeater item .......................... yes
#17 44.06   ShaderEffect item ...................... yes
#17 44.06   Sprite item ............................ yes
#17 44.06 Qt Quick Templates 2:
#17 44.06   Hover support .......................... yes
#17 44.06   Multi-touch support .................... yes
#17 44.06   Calendar support ....................... yes
#17 44.06 Qt Quick Controls 2:
#17 44.06   Styles ................................. Basic Fusion Imagine iOS Material Universal macOS Windows
#17 44.06 QtQuick3D:
#17 44.06   Assimp ................................. yes
#17 44.06   System Assimp .......................... no
#17 44.06 Qt Multimedia:
#17 44.06   Spatial Audio .......................... yes
#17 44.06   Spatial Audio (Quick3D) ................ yes
#17 44.06   Low level Audio Backend:
#17 44.06     ALSA (experimental) .................. no
#17 44.06     PulseAudio ........................... no
#17 44.06     MMRenderer ........................... no
#17 44.06     CoreAudio ............................ no
#17 44.06     Windows Media SDK .................... no
#17 44.06     Open SLES (Android) .................. no
#17 44.06     Web Assembly ......................... no
#17 44.06   Plugin:
#17 44.06     GStreamer 1.0 ........................ no
#17 44.06     FFmpeg ............................... no
#17 44.06     MMRenderer ........................... no
#17 44.06     AVFoundation ......................... no
#17 44.06     Windows Media Foundation ............. no
#17 44.06   Hardware acceleration and features:
#17 44.06     Video for Linux ...................... yes
#17 44.06     VAAPI support ........................ no
#17 44.06     Linux DMA buffer support ............. yes
#17 44.06     VideoToolbox ......................... no
#17 44.06 Qt 3D:
#17 44.06   Assimp ................................. yes
#17 44.06   System Assimp .......................... no
#17 44.06   Use SSE2 instructions .................. yes
#17 44.06   Use AVX2 instructions .................. no
#17 44.06   Aspects:
#17 44.06     Render aspect ........................ yes
#17 44.06     Input aspect ......................... yes
#17 44.06     Logic aspect ......................... yes
#17 44.06     Animation aspect ..................... yes
#17 44.06     Extras aspect ........................ yes
#17 44.06 Qt 3D APIs:
#17 44.06   Vulkan ................................. no
#17 44.06 Qt 3D Renderers:
#17 44.06   OpenGL Renderer ........................ yes
#17 44.06   RHI Renderer ........................... yes
#17 44.06 Qt3D Geometry Loaders:
#17 44.06   Autodesk FBX ........................... no
#17 44.06 Qt 5 Compatibility Libraries:
#17 44.06   iconv .................................. yes
#17 44.06 Qt Charts Types:
#17 44.06   Area Chart ............................. yes
#17 44.06   Line Chart ............................. yes
#17 44.06   Spline Chart ........................... yes
#17 44.06   Scatter Chart .......................... yes
#17 44.06   Bar Chart .............................. yes
#17 44.06   Pie Chart .............................. yes
#17 44.06   Boxplot Chart .......................... yes
#17 44.06   Candlestick Chart ...................... yes
#17 44.06 Qt Axis Types:
#17 44.06   DateTime Axis .......................... yes
#17 44.06 Qt Bluetooth:
#17 44.06   BlueZ .................................. no
#17 44.06   BlueZ Low Energy ....................... no
#17 44.06   Linux Crypto API ....................... no
#17 44.06   WinRT Bluetooth API .................... no
#17 44.06 Qt Tools:
#17 44.06   Qt Assistant ........................... yes
#17 44.06   QDoc ................................... no
#17 44.06   Clang-based lupdate parser ............. no
#17 44.06   Qt Designer ............................ yes
#17 44.06   Qt Distance Field Generator ............ yes
#17 44.06   Qt Linguist ............................ yes
#17 44.06   pixeltool .............................. yes
#17 44.06   qdbus .................................. yes
#17 44.06   Qt Attributions Scanner ................ yes
#17 44.06   qtdiag ................................. yes
#17 44.06   qtplugininfo ........................... yes
#17 44.06 Qt Opcua:
#17 44.06   Open62541 .............................. yes
#17 44.06   Unified Automation C++ SDK ............. no
#17 44.06   Support for namespace 0 NodeId names ... yes
#17 44.06   Namespace 0 NodeIds generator .......... no
#17 44.06   Open62541 security support ............. no
#17 44.06   Support for global discovery server .... no
#17 44.06 Serial Port:
#17 44.06   ntddmodm ............................... no
#17 44.06 Qt Remote Objects:
#17 44.06   High Availability Manager (ham) ........ no
#17 44.06 Qt Scxml:
#17 44.06   ECMAScript data model for QtScxml ...... yes
#17 44.06 Qt Sensors:
#17 44.06   sensorfw ............................... no
#17 44.06   sensorfw_enabled_with_cmake ............ no
#17 44.06 Qt SerialBus:
#17 44.06   Socket CAN ............................. yes
#17 44.06   Socket CAN FD .......................... yes
#17 44.06   SerialPort Support ..................... yes
#17 44.06 Qt TextToSpeech:
#17 44.06   Flite .................................. no
#17 44.06   Flite with ALSA ........................ no
#17 44.06   Speech Dispatcher ...................... no
#17 44.06 Qt Virtualkeyboard:
#17 44.06   Desktop integration .................... yes
#17 44.06   Built-in layouts ....................... yes
#17 44.06   Key navigation ......................... no
#17 44.06   Retro style as default ................. no
#17 44.06   Sensitive Debug ........................ no
#17 44.06   Cerence ................................ no
#17 44.06     Static Linking ....................... no
#17 44.06     Handwriting .......................... no
#17 44.06       Alphabetic ......................... no
#17 44.06       CJK ................................ no
#17 44.06     XT9 .................................. no
#17 44.06       XT9 Debug .......................... no
#17 44.06       XT9 9-key layouts .................. no
#17 44.06     Bundle resources ..................... no
#17 44.06       Handwriting ........................ no
#17 44.06       XT9 ................................ no
#17 44.06   Hunspell ............................... no
#17 44.06     Using Hunspell copy from 3rdparty/ ... no
#17 44.06   OpenWnn ................................ yes
#17 44.06   MyScript ............................... no
#17 44.06   Language support enabled for:
#17 44.06     Arabic ............................... yes
#17 44.06     Bulgarian ............................ yes
#17 44.06     Czech ................................ yes
#17 44.06     Danish ............................... yes
#17 44.06     German ............................... yes
#17 44.06     Greek ................................ yes
#17 44.06     English GB ........................... yes
#17 44.06     English US ........................... yes
#17 44.06     Spanish .............................. yes
#17 44.06     Spanish Mexico ....................... yes
#17 44.06     Estonian ............................. yes
#17 44.06     Farsi ................................ yes
#17 44.06     Finnish .............................. yes
#17 44.06     French Canada ........................ yes
#17 44.06     French France ........................ yes
#17 44.06     Hebrew ............................... yes
#17 44.06     Hindi ................................ yes
#17 44.06     Croatian ............................. yes
#17 44.06     Hungarian ............................ yes
#17 44.06     Indonesian ........................... yes
#17 44.06     Italian .............................. yes
#17 44.06     Japanese ............................. yes
#17 44.06     Korean ............................... yes
#17 44.06     Malay ................................ yes
#17 44.06     Norwegian ............................ yes
#17 44.06     Dutch ................................ yes
#17 44.06     Polish ............................... yes
#17 44.06     Portuguese Brazil .................... yes
#17 44.06     Portuguese Portugal .................. yes
#17 44.06     Romanian ............................. yes
#17 44.06     Russian .............................. yes
#17 44.06     Slovak ............................... yes
#17 44.06     Slovenian ............................ yes
#17 44.06     Albanian ............................. yes
#17 44.06     Serbian .............................. yes
#17 44.06     Swedish .............................. yes
#17 44.06     Thai ................................. yes
#17 44.06     Turkish .............................. yes
#17 44.06     Ukrainian ............................ yes
#17 44.06     Vietnamese ........................... yes
#17 44.06     Simplified Chinese ................... yes
#17 44.06     Traditional Chinese .................. yes
#17 44.06     HongKong Chinese ..................... no
#17 44.06   Traditional chinese input methods:
#17 44.06     Zhuyin ............................... yes
#17 44.06     Cangjie .............................. yes
#17 44.06 WebEngine Repository Build Options:
#17 44.06   Build Ninja ............................ yes
#17 44.06   Build Gn ............................... yes
#17 44.06   Jumbo Build ............................ yes
#17 44.06   Developer build ........................ no
#17 44.06   Build QtWebEngine Modules:
#17 44.06     Build QtWebEngineCore ................ no
#17 44.06     Build QtWebEngineWidgets ............. no
#17 44.06     Build QtWebEngineQuick ............... no
#17 44.06   Build QtPdf Modules:
#17 44.06     Build QtPdfWidgets ................... no
#17 44.06     Build QtPdfQuick ..................... no
#17 44.06   Optional system libraries:
#17 44.06     re2 .................................. no
#17 44.06     icu .................................. no
#17 44.06     libwebp, libwebpmux and libwebpdemux . no
#17 44.06     opus ................................. no
#17 44.06     ffmpeg ............................... no
#17 44.06     libvpx ............................... no
#17 44.06     snappy ............................... no
#17 44.06     glib ................................. no
#17 44.06     zlib ................................. no
#17 44.06     minizip .............................. no
#17 44.06     libevent ............................. no
#17 44.06     libxml2 and libxslt .................. no
#17 44.06     lcms2 ................................ no
#17 44.06     png .................................. no
#17 44.06     jpeg ................................. no
#17 44.06     harfbuzz ............................. no
#17 44.06     freetype ............................. no
#17 44.06     libpci ............................... no
#17 44.07
#17 44.07
#17 44.07 Note: Hunspell in Qt Virtual Keyboard is not enabled. Spelling correction will not be available.
#17 44.07
#17 44.07 WARNING: No backend for low level audio found.
#17 44.07 WARNING: QDoc will not be compiled, probably because libclang could not be located. This means that you cannot build the Qt documentation.
#17 44.07 Either set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or LLVM_INSTALL_DIR to the location of your llvm installation.
#17 44.07 On Linux systems, you may be able to install libclang by installing the libclang-dev or libclang-devel package, depending on your distribution.
#17 44.07 On macOS, you can use Homebrew's llvm package.
#17 44.07 You will also need to set the FEATURE_clang CMake variable to ON to re-evaluate this check.
#17 44.07 WARNING: Clang-based lupdate parser will not be available. LLVM and Clang C++ libraries have not been found.
#17 44.07 You will need to set the FEATURE_clangcpp CMake variable to ON to re-evaluate this check.
#17 44.07 WARNING: QtWebEngine won't be built. Python3 html5lib is missing.
#17 44.07 WARNING: QtPdf won't be built. Python3 html5lib is missing.
#17 44.07
#17 44.07 --
#17 44.07
#17 44.07 Qt is now configured for building. Just run 'cmake --build . --parallel'
forderud commented 1 year ago

find_package(.. QmlImportScanner) doesn't appear to be needed any more in Qt6.