fordth / jinqJs

jinqJs provides a simple way to perform SQL like queries on javaScript arrays, collections and web services using LINQ expressions.
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groupBy(), ignore case sensitivity #17

Open AGuyCoding opened 8 years ago

AGuyCoding commented 8 years ago

I think "groupBy()" should check if values are strings and if this is true then "case sensitivity" should be ignored.


{"country": "NL", value: 1},
{"country": "nl", value: 2},
{"country": "NL", value: 3},

at the moment there are "two results" because of "NL/nl"

fordth commented 7 years ago

This is going to be difficult from what I can see. I will leave it open for me to spend more time looking how I can do this, but it might be really complex since javaScript is case sensitive by nature. Its not the value comparing thats hard, its the property comparing I will need to do for grouping. But ill dig deeper.