foreshadow / atom-python-run

A simple atom package. Press one key to run your python code in atom.
MIT License
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After Update, atom-python-run deprecated #103

Closed CodLiver closed 5 years ago

CodLiver commented 5 years ago


So I was updating some of my packages. After that, I realized that my fn-f5's (run python) window opens and immediately closes.

After restarting atom, the run never worked at all.

I checked the atom-python-run package to see whats going on and it said that it is deprecated and the folder was empty.

I downloaded this repo and "apm install atom-python-run" it to replace the deprecated content, but the problem persists. after this issue, I downloaded "script" to save the day, but I want this package..

Hope it helps, please ask questions if you need more info.

CodLiver commented 5 years ago

EDIT: It worked after I disabled "script" and enabled "atom-python-run". However, as I told above, after some updates the package's content was removed and was labeled as "deprecated". Cloning apparently helps, just writing for heads up.