foreshadow / atom-python-run

A simple atom package. Press one key to run your python code in atom.
MIT License
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Linux Lubuntu 32. Diffrent results from atom and terminal #137

Closed MarcinanProfesjonalista closed 3 years ago

MarcinanProfesjonalista commented 3 years ago

Zrzut ekranu z 2021-05-04 14-50-56 settings

As You can see. I've copied my program from atom ide to python interpreter and it gave my different results. What is the problem?

MarcinanProfesjonalista commented 3 years ago

Oh, The same result when i run it via terminal command in script dir. python3 "/home/marcinanbarbarzynca/Pulpit/aplikacja wag/moduł komunikacji serial/" My python3 installation runs diffrent python via terminal and via python3 console... Im confused

MarcinanProfesjonalista commented 3 years ago

Pfff, ive got problem with my python3 interpreter not with your addon :| When i run my program in terminal it dont work. When i run in python interpreter it works... so

MarcinanProfesjonalista commented 3 years ago

ok by adding python3 -I {file} to run command it runs normally.