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What's the most important dynamic for our long-term future? #10

Open jdhodgkins opened 2 years ago

jdhodgkins commented 2 years ago

This bounty is to get your input on the Substack book and book club, Gaming the Future: Technologies for Intelligent Voluntary Cooperation by Allison Duettmann, Christine Peterson, Mark S. Miller, Foresight Institute.

What’s the book about: Have you ever played Civilization? In the game, you’re discovering technologies that unlock new levels, one capability at a time. But not all innovations are equal. Better technologies of cooperation could unlock new levels of progress across the board. Opportunities for bright futures enabled by bio, nano, and computing technologies are now within our reach. Their proliferation also comes with risks and authoritarian attempts at control. This book explores how cryptocommerce can enable decentralized, secure cooperation across human and computing entities. This unlocks a third path: a paretotropian future of high technology, intelligence and freedom.

What is this bounty about?

We would love your input to improve the ideas and technologies in the book. Each bounty in this series corresponds to one chapter. If we pick your submission, in addition to rewarding the bounty, we may get in touch to discuss if and how to include it in the book.

Submit your bounty-response below for your chance to be rewarded 0.15 ETH.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 0.15 ETH (488.79 USD @ $3258.61/ETH) attached to it as part of the fund.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 9 hours from now. Please review their action plans below:

1) okeaguugochukwu has started work.

it's my priority to help improve the idea in the book 2) f1nv3rs3 has started work.

What is this bounty about?

We would love your input to improve the ideas and technologies in the book. Each bounty in this series corresponds to one chapter. If we pick your submission, in addition to rewarding the bounty, we may get in touch to discuss if and how to include it in the book. 3) ify01 has started work.

I'm very much ready to share my thoughts and views on human cooperation 4) psittacines has started work.

I have a few iterations of an actual public policy game that fits nicely into Foresight's framework. It is a partial AI with over 4000 variables put through over 200 filters to get an internal rating reliability score to forecast support for various hypothetical high scoring solutions to public policy puzzles. Then they all can be ranked. I have an analog print version, and have starting to code a basic level game, and a "wonk" level to include semi-automated report writing. We have a ground truth that opens up the world of data, and the wonders of weighted averages. There is a whole methodology behind it called Politics 4.0. 5) astadaniel2 has started work.

it's pleasure to work on this bounty, am a fan of longevity 6) ogwokalu has started work.

I have the answer to the question. it's every important that we fight for our long-term future. 7) ezeobi has started work.

I will make research and give an outstanding response 8) akshatsaxena799 has started work.

I will be writing an article regarding the Save Soil Movement and sharing my thoughts and views on how it's the Most Important Dynamic for Our Long-Term Future. 9) marcusboyds has started work.

  1. Read the book
  2. Take some notes
  3. Write my ideas for the bounty 10) swatchen has started work.

I am a neurodivergent autodidact. In 2004, I authored the “Citizen's Business Oversight Tax, Reversing the corporate ‘race to the bottom’ with a democratically distributed sin tax.”, as a followup to the first modern paper on Liquid Democracy (we unfortunately didn't call it that) While I can't make an objective case that the dynamics I describe within my paper are the most essential for a flourishing future, I think the ideas do resonate with Intelligent Cooperation themes.

This is a system of sousveillance(what I call hyper-transparency) without reliance on the Internet, although it, of course, could be extended onto it. It is a externalities market that is based on subjective valuation of externalities akin to how we use subjective valuation for positive goods combined with everyone having equal buying power. The corporate players in the game are considered rational players, but citizens are irrational, inscrutable and changeable, as people are. The game created allows a tiny bit of local municipal taxing power to be leveraged so that corporations make investments in cooperation many times larger. Companies compete on cooperation terms. I think this model might be extended with AIs as analogous taxable entities, and I think there could game theory implications for strategies of irrationality/ stupidity (limited byzantine) that are both self-serving and enhance cooperation long term. I never published this paper, as I have far too little patience, and have moved on to many other things, but I'd love to re-explore and update these ideas, but that's on you now...enjoy reading these responses in any case!

Here's hoping the link to my dropbox works.

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 0.15 ETH (305.2 USD @ $2034.7/ETH) has been submitted by:

  1. @okeaguugochukwu
  2. @ify01
  3. @ogwokalu
  4. @ezeobi
  5. @astadaniel2
  6. @swatchen
  7. @marcusboyds

@jdhodgkins please take a look at the submitted work:

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

The funding of 0.15 ETH (161.79 USD @ $1078.59/ETH) attached to this issue has been approved & issued to @ezeobi.