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Describe a day in the life when a dog has been brought back to life after cryopreservation #11

Open jdhodgkins opened 2 years ago

jdhodgkins commented 2 years ago

“A dog that has died and later becomes revived. How likely is this? I don’t think it’s as unlikely as many may think. I think this could happen, I just don’t know exactly when.”

In the first episode of the Existential Hope-podcast, Christine Peterson (Co-founder of Foresight Institute), suggests that one event that might be considered a positive turning point for humanity in terms of longevity would be if a dog is returned to active life after cryopreservation.

Telling stories can make what seems abstract become much more real and clear in our minds. Therefore we have now created a bounty based on this prompt. Use this event as a story-device to show us the picture of a day in a life where a dog has been brought back to life. How would this make us feel? How would we react? What hope can people get from this?

Describe a day in the life when a dog has been brought back to life after cryopreservation.

Submit your bounty-response below for your chance to be rewarded 0.15 ETH.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 0.15 ETH (488.79 USD @ $3258.61/ETH) attached to it as part of the fund.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 2 weeks, 2 days ago. Please review their action plans below:

1) okeaguugochukwu has started work.

I will describe it in a detailed manner 2) ify01 has started work.

This is amazing and I will share my thoughts. 3) cyber-bot has started work.

I will try writing a detailed story and do my best 4) f1nv3rs3 has started work.

Telling stories can make what seems abstract become much more real and clear in our minds. Therefore we have now created a bounty based on this prompt. Use this event as a story-device to show us the picture of a day in a life where a dog has been brought back to life. How would this make us feel? How would we react? What hope can people get from this?

Describe a day in the life when a dog has been brought back to life after cryopreservation. 5) nanopunk has started work.

P.O.S.T. A.P.O.C.A.L.Y.P.T.I.C..A.W.A.K.E.N.I.N.G. – [ PAW ] By Paul Nano Skawinski [ nanopunk ]

Dog’s View – DV Cameras view = CV SCENE 1 – PLAYGROUND [ COLOR ] CV / COLOR - The scene starts with kids playing on the playground. Its 2021. We see girls and boys having fun, the camera also captures a young boy aged 9 and his dog having a good time. Camera switches to DV DV – We continue seeing the above from Dogs perception. Important to show the innocence of the time they are having together. Blissful experience, the sun, the nature, the laugh – life as we live it. Camera: Close up on boys bracelet. Close up on reading glasses that boy wears] Suddenly we see white bright light that overexposure the image followed by a red giant flame that quickly fades to black. END OF SCENE 1

SCENE 2 – LAB { BLACK N WHITE ] DV – Start with pitch black image and high pith noise fade into the laboratory where we see various broken cryopreservation equipment and other. Fade to black. [ eye lid effect – close ] Fade to the scene [ eye lid effect – open ]

We see further damages as the dog gets up and wonders around the lab. Dog collapses, falls asleep again. Fade to black. Fade to the scene Dog wakes up feeling slightly better trying to find its way out from the lab. Room exit to long corridor/ hallway.


SCENE 3 - OUTSIDE: DV - We see main exit doors that we are getting closer too. Nice light reflections and light beams heading towards the approaching dog. [ Lights from outside to inside ] As soon as we approach the doors the dog sees post apocalyptic world filled with debris and destruction. We see it struggling with walking. Camera: Details on Laboratory experiments that left marks on the skin. Scars etc. The dog walks through the exitdoors.

CV – General take on the world outside, broken cars, empty buildings Detroit style ] The sense of smell CAMEBACK ! [ Sudden physical reaction – we realise he does not function properly but his MEMORY works FINE ] Dog reacts to it and follows the smell trace. We see dog struggling with walking searching for water and food. Finds typical post apocalyptic items that have survived the impact of an atomic bomb. That is: Coca-cola bottle [empty], half empty tin with rotten food [eats it ], we see toxic liquid forming rainbow reflection effect on the water [ drinks it ], ripped clothing. Among the rubbish the dog finds jumper/hoodie and recognises the smell of its owner. As the DV progress we find more items that we saw in the first scene / in the playground – the bracelet. ] We see a quick flashback from the playground with kids[ in color ]. The dog is on the very same playground that we saw at the beginning but now completely rekt. The dog picks up the bracelet and carry its in its mouth. It follows the smell that lead him to the collapsed house with a hidden basement.



CV - we see an abandoned building that used to be the house that the dog lived in. DV – The dog scavenges the debris and what’s left only to find hidden basement floor doors that had a cavity big enough to allow it to pass.

DG - As we enter the basement we come across a TV box showing glitches among a footage from what actually happened outside. Live broadcasts, World Leaders, TV reporters The final day. The footage is played in loop from the VHS tape player.
As the dogs wonders we discover that there IS electricity and someone might be living there. We see more and more electronic devices that measure various activities and radiations. We also stumble upon pictures showing the world and the family with the dog} before the catastrophe. Image portraits: 5 member family. Dad & Mom, 3 kids and a dog. Picture taken inside the house. Now we know that the dog found the right place. Its old home.



The dog hears a noise coming from the outside of the basement. Those are steps that we hear are getting closer. The dog is afraid of the approaching person. Sounds that come from the footsteps crashing debris get louder and creepier. Dog hides in the corner of the basement under broken lab table. The doors open – we see super bright light and an outline of a person but no visible features. The person walks down to the basement making noisy steps that push against rotten wood. As soon as the person walks down the doors shut and we don’t see much light anymore. We only hear squeaking wood & metal noises. The person turns on sidelights and sits behind the control desk. He put his “treasures” on the floor that have been scavenged outside. Puts music on and dance. Betty Davis – “They say Im different” JACK PROFILE: Jack – The Diy scientist. The person/boy now grown up man is a DIY scientist that experiments with cryogenics of all sorts. Having a solid background in biological experiments that he heritage from his dad led him to preservation of this experiment until successful results were achieved. Jack is wearing very similar reading glasses to the ones he had in the childhood. [ Playground scene ] We connect the dots.

As soon as the music is played the dog panic and jumps out from the hideout corner just to run across the room to hide in the opposite one while making a lot of mess and noise. Jack realises that something is inside the basement and picks up the gun and the light torch. He seeks for the enemy. The guy follows the noise but doesn’t know or see what causes it. In the very last moment he stops and sees the dog, which is scared to hell. BOY: What are you ? Hello !? I wont hurt you. What are you ? Hello ?! He approaches the corner and sees a dog under the table. BOY: Come on here, you poor thing. I wont hurt you. As he is getting closer he asks with a doubt in the voice. BOY: Icy – is that you ? Dog: nothing. We hear shaking noise. BOY – ICY !!! is this you ? DOG - wiggle its tail a bit but still in a doubt.

The boy gets closer and realises that this is his dog that has gone missing after the “10G “ wipe out. The dog comes out fro the corner and we see it in the full light. You can tell the dog has been through a lot as it has watery eyes, it has lots of cuts on the skin. The dog has gone through an experiment just before the “10G Big Bang’. BOY – ICY YOU ARE ALIVE ! YOU MADE IT ! This cannot be true. What? DOG: Smiles and jumps onto its owner licking his face. BOY: ICY you made it, do you even realise what you just proved. You came back to life ! Dad always said we were so close but I didn’t know that we already invented the formula for life extension via cryopreservation. ICY you are the first living being in the world that made it through cryopreservation. This is going to change the world as we know it. This is a post apocalyptic miracle ICY ! You are the prophet I been searching for all these years! We are going to rebuild the world where natural medicine is widely accessible, where thanks to cryopreservation we will be able to go for a far distance space journeys, We will be able o preserve genius minds and its owners for centuries to come. The technology will sky rocket. The human kind will grow exponentially. Wait ! What about the consciousness and the soul ? Hold on! Does it mean Im what I am now and when I die that’s it \? Does it suggest that our bodies are our bio-avatars and our consciousness is immortal????? Pause, Jack stares onto the wall…. ICY I need to put you in a right shape. Look at you. Skins and bones ! Come here I have a delicacy for you. Pedigree pal from 2001! Only 35 years old and trust me mate - consider it “Fresh”. Welcome back to the new world of cryopreservation and life sustainability ICY and YOU and ME are going to build it together. We see Jack feeding the dog, stroking his head slowly and looking into the empty space. Frozen. Suddenly he gets up and gets his jacket, van keys and picks up the dog, they walk out, get into rusty Cadillac from 2012 and go for a cruise around the town. Fade to BLACK Betty Davis – “They say Im different” 6) sabal1129 has started work.

I'll do what I can to convey the thoughts of the dog's family 7) amoweolubusayo has started work.

I would give a good description of how to revive a dog using Cryopreservation 8) davlock has started work.


I will give you answer . a dog have been brought back to life through cryopreservation. am a cryobiology enthusiast. 11) ogwokalu has started work.

I will analyze how a dog was revived by cryopreservation in a detailed manner 12) ezeobi has started work.

am a cryobiologist , I will tell you about cryopreservation using the revival of my Dead dog to life as an example. 13) batz12 has started work.

I will make a nice short story to showcase the sadness and sorrow of losing a dog and the happiness experienced when the dog comes back after cryo preservation.

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 0.15 ETH (309.0 USD @ $2060.02/ETH) has been submitted by:

  1. @okeaguugochukwu
  2. @ify01
  3. @cyber-bot
  4. @nanopunk
  5. @astadaniel2
  6. @ogwokalu
  7. @ezeobi
  8. @davlock
  9. @batz12
  10. @johnds01

@jdhodgkins please take a look at the submitted work:

Nanopunk commented 2 years ago

Hi there, I hope I submitted it correctly.
I sent you a draft script, lots of space for an improvement if you feel this is what you are looking for. Thank you for the opportunity.

notsprinkles commented 2 years ago

Any reason why all of these just get extended at the date someone should receive the bounty? Not a one of 32 have been paid

nanopunkster commented 2 years ago

Hi there, have you got any updates on the task offered ? Big up ! Thanks Paul

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

The funding of 0.15 ETH (178.16 USD @ $1105.63/ETH) attached to this issue has been approved & issued to @batz12.