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Storytelling Bounty: Humanity Transitioning Into A Society Where Everyone Is Able To Think Freely And Creatively And Not Being Worried About Survival #35

Open AaronLongevity opened 2 years ago

AaronLongevity commented 2 years ago

In the Existential Hope-podcast (, we invite scientists to speak about long-termism. Each month, we drop a podcast episode where we interview a visionary scientist to discuss the science and technology that can accelerate humanity towards desirable outcomes.

One of the questions we always ask is for the scientist to provide an example of a potential eucatastrophe. The phrase “eucatastrophe” was originally coined by JRR Tolkien as “the sudden happy turn in a story which pierces you with a joy that brings tears”

In a paper published by the Future of Humanity Institute, written by Owen Cotton-Barratt and Toby Ord, they use Tolkien’s term to suggest that ”an existential eucatastrophe is an event which causes there to be much more expected value after the event than before.” I.e. the opposite of a catastrophe.

Telling stories can help us make what seems abstract become real and clear in our minds. Therefore we have now created a bounty based on this prompt. Use this event as a story-device to show us the picture of a day in a life where this happens. How would this make us feel? How would we react? What hope can people get from this?

An example of a Eucatastrophe by Chiara Marletto (Oxford University):

“Humanity transitioning into a society where everyone is able to think freely and creatively and not being worried about survival”

Humans can think in ways that allow endless creativity. This is what creates resilience for humanity and its survival.

If we could achieve a state in which all people are able to think freely and not need to worry about day-to-day problems that have to do with survival, like being hungry or trying to pay rent, we could achieve an ideal situation (similar to what Plato had): Time to think freely, to be creative, and to consider various problems.

Scientists try to create this in their lives, time and space where they can just think about problems freely and in peace. But it's currently too narrowly present in humanity.

It's a very utopian scenario but there might be a way to get there. Consisting of two elements:

We know that technology is supporting us in ways that bring people beyond the subsistence level where they can actually just be creative.

This event should be coupled with one in which people growing up as kids are encouraged to think in creative ways and have an instilled love for knowledge and creativity.

Today it’s hard to get people into this creative thinking and often schools don't do a good job at getting them into knowledge. So by putting these two elements together we could have a lot more people who are into problem solving than now and this would help our chances of survival enormously.

Bounty prompt

Describe a world where humanity has transitioned into a society where everyone is able to think freely and creatively and not be worried about survival.

Submit your bounty-response below for your chance to be rewarded 0.15 ETH.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 0.15 ETH (169.1 USD @ $1127.36/ETH) attached to it as part of the foresight-org fund.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 0.15 ETH (290.59 USD @ $1937.28/ETH) has been submitted by:

  1. @seandylan1982
  2. @drew7wonders
  3. @gitcoincode
  4. @incryptoschool
  5. @ganutf
  6. @nwakaku
  7. @solving-it
  8. @okeaguugochukwu
  9. @nwakakukaks
  10. @davidecann
  11. @kekule19
  12. @chibez
  13. @ify01
  14. @joshmike2301
  15. @paulking230195
  16. @turanabdullah
  17. @davewilliamson208
  18. @kalinapv
  19. @abjam83
  20. @chris-jobs
  21. @junok80

@aaronlongevity please take a look at the submitted work:

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 15 hours ago. Please review their action plans below:

1) okeaguugochukwu has started work.

I will make research ............ 2) joshmike2301 has started work.

it's my priority to work on this bounty. am a good researcher 3) drew7wonders has started work.

I'll try to imagine in a logical way 4) kalinapv has started work.

This sounds like a wonderful potential future and I am looking forward to exploring it in my writing. I intend to write about several characters who grow up in a world where this is possible, where they don't have to worry about earning a living and making ends meet, where they are free to devote themselves to creativity. Good luck to everyone writing! 5) atlantian001 has started work.

Hello 🙏

Seeing this here today felt like destiny. I am a designer/engineer who has been working on renewables for the last 5 years.

I would like to attempt this bounty.

The story I will be building will have some of the below characteristics :

👉The future is see is Solarpunk inspired. 👉A perfect harmony between nature, humanity and technology. 👉It is a journey, will have challenges, two main villains who currently are wrecking havoc on the planet 👉7.9 Billion humans Vs Two Villains( one called climate change and the other called social inequality), and their minions.

Who will prevail?

I am visual so expect images and graphics

I have some questions :

  1. Do you expect a production quality final piece?
  2. Also any reference on how you want the final work ( what format etc ) 6) ify01 has started work.

lets get creative and give an imaginary visualization 7) nwakaku has started work.

Storytelling Bounty: Humanity Transitioning Into A Society Where Everyone Is Able To Think Freely And Creatively And Not Being Worried About Survival 8) i-t-c-r-w has started work.

Whitepaper Plan for Storytelling Bounty by ITCRW 9) chibez has started work.

creativity for survival has been a part of our daily life, am happy to work on this project 10) gitcoincode has started work.

I'll give it a fiction touch with mixed reality 11) solving-it has started work.

I will frame a fiction story on it. 12) kekule19 has started work.

I will give you a detailed answer 13) astadaniel2 has started work.

I will tell a an interesting story 14) nwakakukaks has started work.

An insight into a world of free thinking 15) davidecann has started work.

it's a privilege to work on this , I written a concise article on this 16) paulking230195 has started work.

am inspired by this bounty , I think I will provide answers to your question. 17) turanabdullah has started work.

this has been my concern long time ago , I will definitely give you my thoughts. 18) davewilliamson208 has started work.

Humanity Transitioning Into A Society Where Everyone Is Able To Think Freely And Creatively And Not Being Worried About Survival 19) abjam83 has started work.

am giving you my answers ASAP. I have so much to offer . 20) chris-jobs has started work.

Storytelling Bounty on humanity 21) junok80 has started work.

Am a philosopher, I have imagined how the world will look like if we make it better

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

GitcoinCode commented 1 year ago

So,We need to essentially clear the spreadsheet that we've collectively constructed over time, it's the "Value" one.

Something that humans lack the will or initiative to grasp is that WE make up the rules. Anything that results from a decision and becomes rule is our doing, so we can undo, redo, change, change back, etc. Far too much of the collective human consciousness is fearfully expecting someone else to fix it, we need to be realistic. Actually there are a few things we need to be:

Realistic and honest but trustworthy

We need to find a way past rubbish like greed, self interest, ego and all other individualistic pursuits, then things like distrust due to alterior motives won't cause huge amounts of possibilities to evaporate. Things like worrying if you'll get paid for the work you did, worrying in general as a result of intentionally obfuscated critical information, thoughts and worries like this shouldn't be a consideration.

(I apologize in advance to those of faith, my intention is not to mock or disrespect anyone, this is what I believe)

Things like religion need to fall away and the truth must come out so people will understand without resentment. Humans need a firm hand, direction, motivation and honestly a healthy dose of crippling fear of the unknown will do the trick but at the cost of the current ceiling we're at. We can't open and actually USE our abilities if we're constantly either waiting for someone else to do it, or so paralyzed with fear that we do nothing altogether. It was a useful system and it did what was required for the time, but to advance we can't keep them, any of them, all the religions need to be scrapped.

Jacques Fresco devised the concept of a resource based economy where we fundementally return to value being assigned based on actual usefulness to the collective over the time it's expected to be necessary. Not arbitrary value attributed to things based on non-sensical metrics like whimsy.

We do actually need to work together, there were many civilizations of Neanderthal man until eventually they figured out how to progress, every advancement we've been through since has been degrees more difficult and corresponding degrees less time/resources available to complete it, we just don't have the time to go through trial and error for centuries, not even that many decades even! If we don't shelve, the selfish crap, come together as literally one unit and work as a team we won't make it. That's not apocalypse theory, it's just common sense, I'm not saying the sky is falling I'm saying we've got some really serious really difficult questions coming up and monumentally important decisions to make!

Also, to imagine this world as some silly rainbows and unicorns fairytale is misleading and counterproductive, everything we know and have ever known about reality is cold, hard, violent, unemotion, chaos, that won't change we need to be realistic about the roles we're all going to be playing in this world and unfortunately the person standing in the morning sun in a park near a lake painting a Fresco of the ducks playing is not likely to be one.

ganutf commented 1 year ago

Any update on this bounty?

AaronLongevity commented 1 year ago

Waiting for the winner to be judged

On Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 4:36 AM ganutf @.***> wrote:

Any update on this bounty?

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KalinaPV commented 1 year ago

Hi Aaron, I am sending this to everyone involved because I believe plagiarism is a serious issue. I submitted a story for this bounty and was looking through the other entries when I came across Chris Job's entry:, I realised this is a story I submitted for one of your storytelling bounties this spring, I won that bounty with this exact story. This was the bounty: . This was my entry for that bounty: . As you can see, my story was last edited three months ago, Chris created his two days ago. The only difference is the title, which Chris seems to have changed. You may also note that this story is on the topic of AI assistants and is not even relevant to the current issue. I trust you will address this problem. Thank you.

Best regards, Kalina

On Tue, 16 Aug 2022 at 16:41, Aaron King @.***> wrote:

Waiting for the winner to be judged

On Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 4:36 AM ganutf @.***> wrote:

Any update on this bounty?

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SeanDylan1982 commented 1 year ago

Any update on this Aaron?

AaronLongevity commented 1 year ago

This was judged a while ago, and the bounty was paid out