forestryio / create-static-site

Create static websites with no build configuration.
MIT License
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Adding a basic theme to templates #49

Open Germoe opened 6 years ago

Germoe commented 6 years ago

Adding a theme to C-S-S is quite painful at the moment. I believe Hugo, Jekyll etc. should be installed with a basic theme attached to it to reduce configuration headaches.

If I use the install theme routine outlined in Hugo's docs I can install a theme but it won't show when I run npm start, it doesn't throw any errors it will just ignore completely that I have installed a theme (unless I know exactly how to fix this issue)

I believe Create-Static-Site should be for everyone - including beginners If a configuration is left out, beginners will be prevented from using C-S-S or at least it will cause them major headaches. If someone that is an advanced user comes across an already installed theme I imagine it to be a minor annoyance but if the C-S-S brings enough value these users will stick around.

jamespohalloran commented 6 years ago

Agreed @Germoe. I think the default layout content should be moved to a theme, so that you can easily switch themes and not have to delete the layout directory.