forestryio / jekyll-menus

A menus (site navigation) plugin for your Jekyll website that also works with (Jekyll CMS)
MIT License
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Allow identification of top-level menu item (in the case of nested children) #24

Open ybressler opened 2 years ago

ybressler commented 2 years ago

Say I have a menu whose structure looks as follows:

  - home
  - about us
  - api documentation
    - getting started
    - advanced guide

When looping through my menu items, I want to identify if an element is top level or not – in this case: ["home", "about us", "api documentation"].

Here's what that would look like in _includes/menus.html:

{% if menu %}
  {% for item in menu %}
    <li class="menu-item-{{ loop.index }}">

        {% if item.is_root_level %}
        {% endif %}

      <a href="{{ item.url }}" title="Go to {{ item.title }}"> {{ item.title }} </a>
      {% if item.children %}
        {% assign menu = item.children %}
        {% include menu.html %}
      {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

I imagine I can traverse the item.parent attribute, but am not sure what the best way to go about this would be. Would appreciate any support you can provide.

ybressler commented 2 years ago

Note, this issue is downstream from this bug