foretspaisibles / broken

Extensible testsuite framework for OCaml
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Testing with Async/Lwt #10

Open rgrinberg opened 8 years ago

rgrinberg commented 8 years ago

The number one deficiency I find in all OCaml unit testing frameworks today is the lack of integration with Async/Lwt. To me this means two things:

1) Having tests that return a Lwt.t (or a Deferred.t)

2) Test runner that is aware of the lwt/async scheduler

Would you recommend to use broken to test Lwt code? If so, how should one do it?

foretspaisibles commented 8 years ago

The approach I used until now is to define tests running thread(s) using the main scheduler, as in the following example:

let assert_process_status ident ?expected_failure f status =
  let broken_f () =
    let t =
        (fun () -> f () >|= fun _ -> WEXITED(0))
          | Error(_, got, _) -> Lwt.return got
          | exn -> exn)
    in t
  assert_equal ident ?expected_failure
    broken_f () status

This excerpt from Rashell source code defines a new assert_* function (a function returning test cases) which constructs an asynchronous value of type 'a Lwt.t which is then passed to

You can see this function and its siblings in action in the Rashell testsuite, for instance the TestPosix module.

Could you use a similar strategy for your tests? If you need special support for your tests, we might implement it in broken.

rgrinberg commented 8 years ago

This is a decent work around for lwt but unfortunately async doesn't have the equivalent of

foretspaisibles commented 8 years ago

I have little experience with async but if I understand correctly, it would be enough to write a an async_main_run function which takes a function performing a deferred computation and applies it on an argument, taking care of catching exceptions thrown by the computation – which implies installing these exception handlers. Am I correct?