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Phantom branches from deleted remote #1675

Open lobsterkatie opened 2 years ago

lobsterkatie commented 2 years ago

At one point I checked out a branch from someone's fork of our repo to make changes to a PR they'd submitted. (It's possible I did this on the command line, or it's possible I did this using the VSCode UI to check out the PR branch, I don't remember.) In any case, I did what I needed to do and deleted whatever branch was created. I've now just scrolled back in my commits graph and I'm seeing a whole bunch of branches in the fork, even though I don't have a remote pointing to it. I've tried restarting Fork, and I've tried right-clicking on the branch names, but the only deletion option there is to delete the branch on the remote, which I'm not trying to do (and I'm sure don't have permissions for, which is why it ends up being a no-op when I try to do it anyway).

How do I make those branches go away?


Fork version: 2.20.2 OS X version: 12.5

DanPristupov commented 2 years ago

I'm seeing a whole bunch of branches in the fork, even though I don't have a remote pointing to it

That looks very weird. Can you restart the application and send me the log file (~/Library/Logs/Fork.log) to, please?

lobsterkatie commented 2 years ago

I quit, reopened Fork, and this is the entirety of the log file:

🔷> XCGLogger writing log to: file:///Users/Katie/Library/Logs/Fork.log
🔷[AppDelegate.swift:374] > 
███████  ██████  ██████  ██   ██   Fork 2.21
██      ██    ██ ██   ██ ██  ██    Git: brew
█████   ██    ██ ██████  █████     Update Channel: develop
██      ██    ██ ██   ██ ██  ██
██       ██████  ██   ██ ██   ██
🔷[RefreshRepositoryCommand.swift:248] > Refresh 'sentry-javascript' data. Updated
🔷[RefreshRepositoryCommand.swift:187] > Refresh 'sentry-javascript' status. Updated (0 files)
🔷[RefreshRepositoryCommand.swift:187] > Refresh 'sentry-javascript' status. Updated (0 files)