fork-dev / Tracker

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[BUG] Push multiple branches with multi-selection changes tracking reference #1775

Open sergemontaigu opened 1 year ago

sergemontaigu commented 1 year ago

The context is :

When I push multi-selection of the 2 branches to "argos" the tracking ref changes to "argos" -> tracking ref should not change. When I do it with one-selection no problem -> no tracking ref changes

Step by Step :

Screen1 Screen2 Screen3 Screen4 Screen5 Screen6 Screen7
DanPristupov commented 1 year ago

Hi. Thank you for letting know. Yes, this looks like a bug.

DanPristupov commented 1 year ago

We should probably add 'Set tracking references' checkbox when repo has multiple remotes.

sergemontaigu commented 1 year ago

Hi Dan,

add 'Set tracking references' checkbox in this dialog box ?


You mean this is not a bug but a feature, I could deactivate with a checkbox option ?

DanPristupov commented 1 year ago

add 'Set tracking references' checkbox in this dialog box ?

Yes, that's what we need to do, I think.

You mean this is not a bug but a feature

Yes, setting the remote tracking reference on push is a feature (i.e. is intentional). However that behavior doesn't seem right when branches already have an upstream and are being pushed to other remote.

sergemontaigu commented 1 year ago

the multi-selection Push dialog box of my dreams... I could push all my branches to all my remotes in one operation... it just an idea (may be not a good idea... 😃)


crstauf commented 1 year ago

Had this issue and panicked that I had pushed to the wrong remote. Will this be fixed soon?