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Rebase option to suppress pre-commit hooks (like commit) #1921

Open joshgold22 opened 1 year ago

joshgold22 commented 1 year ago

commit --amend gives a pop-up to suppress pre-commit hooks if they stop the current operation, but when the same hook is triggered during a rebase, it fails in Fork with no way around. Please add a similar dialog to rebase.

joshgold22 commented 1 year ago

In my case, I use a hook to prevent my making an empty changeset without realizing it (if I forget to "add" or use "-a"). This stops rewording during a commit --amend or rebase -i, but Fork's commit has the button to allow skipping the hook.

i.e., part of my .git/hooks/pre-commit:

if git diff --cached --name-only $against | grep -q .
    exit 0
    echo "EMPTY COMMIT -- Use -a or add patches."
    exit 1
DanPristupov commented 1 year ago

I use a hook to prevent me making an empty changeset without realizing it

But git doesn't allow empty commits by default, does it?

$git commit -m "test"
On branch develop
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/develop'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean

Anyway, technical implementation of that is not easy, because we don't know the made the rebase to fail and whether it was caused by a hook or not.

Most likely we will not have a time to implement that.

joshgold22 commented 1 year ago

How is it implemented in Fork for commit, though? I would think Fork could do the same thing in the to cases (regardless of the content of the hook giving the exit status).

joshgold22 commented 1 year ago

Parenthetically — my particular hook may be a distraction here — it works particularly with --amend and -m or -e to update the message. (I'm using --no-verify below to suppress my own pre-commit hooks. Without hooks, you wouldn't need that to change the commit message with no code changes.)

% git commit --amend -m "new message" --no-verify
[3ec6d88e69] new message
 Date: Mon Jun 26 16:22:53 2023 -0400
 14 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)

Other kinds of hooks might, for instance, prevent someone from committing code with tabs instead of spaces or enforce some other team standard.