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How to show very early commits in All commits list? #1922

Closed kaishiqi closed 1 year ago

kaishiqi commented 1 year ago

My working warehouse is a warehouse that has been used for a long time and is used very frequently. I forgot which version started. I found that all submission interfaces can only display submission information within one year, and I cannot see earlier submission content. How to refresh it? What about earlier commits? Or what button can be provided to allow all submission interfaces to additionally load earlier submission information in batches?

DanPristupov commented 1 year ago

Currently the limit is 50,000 commits.

You can increase the limit using the following terminal command: defaults write com.DanPristupov.fork maxCommitCount 150000

kaishiqi commented 1 year ago

Currently the limit is 50,000 commits.

You can increase the limit using the following terminal command: defaults write com.DanPristupov.fork maxCommitCount 150000

If it is in the window system, how to modify it? @DominikPalo

DanPristupov commented 1 year ago

Edit MaxCommitCount field in the %localappdata%\fork\settings.json file.

kaishiqi commented 1 year ago

Looking forward to adding this option to the settings panel soon @DanPristupov