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[Bug] Gitflow-Finish Feature fails when using GPG commits #1936

Open acanewby opened 1 year ago

acanewby commented 1 year ago

When I use Gitflow and non-signed commits, all Gitflow features work correctly. However, as soon as I try and finish a Feature with GPG-signed commits, the following failures occur:

  1. Spurious merge conflicts are reported
  2. When the error dialog is closed, merge conflicts are reported as fixed, requiring a further commit onto origin/develop
  3. Following the commit, the feature branch still remains and must be deleted manually

Expected behavior: same experience as when using unsigned commits e.g.

  1. Merge completes without error
  2. Feature branch is deleted

I also experience similar behavior with Gitflow-Finish Release, which I assume uses the same underlying mechanism.

Happy to participate in error reproduction, diagnosis and testing.

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DanPristupov commented 1 year ago

Gitflow is deprecated and not supported.

I don't know what's the problem and most likely won't spend time investigating the problem. I'd recommend to simply merge the commit into the develop branch.

acanewby commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the quick reply.

I see from the Release Notes that fast-forward was added to git-flow in 2.4 but nothing since then about deprecation so hard for users to understand what features have a future.

Is there a public list of deprecated features?

DanPristupov commented 1 year ago

Gitflow is project on GitHub. It's not related to Fork.

acanewby commented 1 year ago

Yes - perhaps I should have been clearer.

As the repo says: "A collection of Git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model."

I am not really interested in the gitHub-avh project which, as you say, is now archived.

I'm interested in Fork's continued support for the Vincent Driessen branching model, which is a concept independent of petervanderdoes' solution.

gitflow as a concept is widely supported across the industry (e.g. IntelliJ IDEA, SmartGit, GitKraken etc. etc.)

I was simply hoping that Fork could continue its great support for that branching model. I would be surprised to hear that it was in any way dependent on gitflow-avh's shell script approach, since Fork appears to be Swift-based.

DanPristupov commented 1 year ago

I would be surprised to hear that it [Fork] was in any way dependent on gitflow-avh's shell script approach, since Fork appears to be Swift-based.

Fork just wraps git-flow-avh scripts. It doesn't implement any of git-flow functionality.

acanewby commented 1 year ago

Ok - makes total sense.

Would you be interested if I forked the GitFlow-AVH repo and fixed the issue?

Would that require access to a dev build of Fork?

DanPristupov commented 1 year ago

Git-flow-avh is a part of the official git-for-windows distribution. You will also need to take the responsibility for it. I mean, it's not as easy as it sounds.

acanewby commented 1 year ago

Yeah. Not going to do that. It's up to git-for-windows how it wants to deal with Git-flow-avh deprecation. Presumably, it will have to do something sooner or later.

I'm only interested in helping Fork stay my git client of choice, which means having a working gitflow.

Up for a chat if you can suggest a Fork-only approach. If not, then I will figure out what else I can do.

I do see you have bundled the git-flow-avh scripts into the Fork .app under Resources/git-flow-avh. If I symlink that location to a fork of git-flow-avh, I guess I could mess around and at least figure out where things are breaking. That should work right?