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Opening submodule creates tab in the wrong window #1954

Open snej opened 1 year ago

snej commented 1 year ago

Choosing “Open (name)…” from the context menu on a submodule in the sidebar opens the tab in a different window than the active one.


  1. Have multiple windows open
  2. In the active window, open the Submodules outline
  3. Right-click a submodule
  4. Choose “Open"

Expected Result:

Submodule opens in a new tab in the same window

Actual Result

Another open window activates and the submodule tab is added to it


macOS 13.4.1 Fork Version 2.32 (but this has been happening for months)

YesThatAllen commented 2 months ago

I came here to report this issue, then in testing versions 2.43.1 and 2.44, it seems that double clicking submodules opens them in the parent tab.

YesThatAllen commented 2 months ago

EDIT: I was mistaken.. one of my repos (client-mac) would reliably open submodules in the same tab, other repos would not.

All my repos are checked out from github using the ssh protocol

the submodules in client-mac are also checked out using ssh submodules in other repos are checked out via https. I don't know if that's related.