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[Feature Request] Implement Settings Export #1962

Closed rotorgames closed 10 months ago

rotorgames commented 10 months ago

I wonder if I have ability to export all Fork settings into the .json file (or smth else) to keep a backup of all my settings and commands in the safe place just in case if my laptop is broken.

I found only an option to save commands locally into the repository but this is not what I'm looking for.


DanPristupov commented 10 months ago

Custom commands and the list of repos are stored in ~/Library/Application Support/com.DanPristupov.Fork

rotorgames commented 10 months ago

@DanPristupov Thank you for the quick response. How's it safe using this db file as a backup? What if you make major changes in the file in over time and I'll not be able to use it? Or a structure of the file is not changing at all?

DanPristupov commented 10 months ago

You only need *.json files, the db file is obsolete.

There is migration from the old config formats, but it was never tested in manual mode (i.e. when you have a settings you need to import).

Anyway, there's not much settings in Fork, excepting custom commands, so I think saving custom-commands.json should be enough.