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Undo/Redo in the commit message/description textbox #2037

Closed ShlomoCode closed 6 months ago

ShlomoCode commented 6 months ago

It is common for text boxes to use the keyboard shortcut command + to cancel the last change in the text, and command + shift + z to perform the operation again. It exists, for example, everywhere on the Internet (since browsers such as Chrome implement it) as well as in VSCode SOURCE CONTROL, etc. But in the excellent Fork software, this option does not exist, and if, for example, I accidentally paste a long piece of text or delete something, I have to manually correct the mistake, and cannot simply press command+z as usual. I would love if you could implement this feature! If further clarification of the use case is required, let me know. Thanks

DanPristupov commented 6 months ago

Works for me.

Try to reboot the computer

ShlomoCode commented 6 months ago

It hasn't worked for me for a long time, but it's probably a problem with my computer, I'll investigate. Sorry for the trouble