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Shortcuts do not work anymore in "Local Changes" window on MacOS Sonoma #2043

Closed schilchSICKAG closed 4 months ago

schilchSICKAG commented 5 months ago

After upgrading to MacOS Sonoma, I have noticed that shortcuts for stage / unstage, revert and other does not work anymore. They are still displayed when using the right click menu and can still triggered via click, but do not work as keyboard shortcuts. Shortcuts that do not use shift keys are still working (for example COMMAND+S will STAGE/UNSTAGE fine).

It looks like this when opening the right click menu:


DanPristupov commented 5 months ago

Did you change the keyboard layout, may be?

schilchSICKAG commented 5 months ago

Nope, still the default for my country (de_DE).

schilchSICKAG commented 4 months ago

It may very well be that a third party tool was "steeling" the shortcuts, in this case Rectangle. I killed the application, afterwards shortcuts work fine again. However, the options in the right click menu is still greyed out for "Revert" and "Revert all".