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How to set automatically push `main` or `master` branch when finish release? #2068

Closed kdaramz closed 4 months ago

kdaramz commented 4 months ago

Hello, everyone. I have one question.


To explain the background, my company has adopted and is using a git-flow strategy. As a current company deployment policy, master branch protection rule has been applied. Then, when the finish release was done on git-fork after PR approval, it was not pushed to the remote, so another PR for merging was needed after the finish release. So, after a little research, I found that if you add the -p or -push option to apply push on finish release, the remote will be automatically updated.


Can I set automatically push main or master branch when git flow finish release in fork?

Thanks in advance for your reply. Have a nice day.

DanPristupov commented 4 months ago


my company has adopted and is using a git-flow strategy.

You should not. git-flow is redundant and generally not recommended to use.

Can I set automatically push main or master branch when git flow finish release in fork?

No, you must ensure that the merge is correct and then push manually.

kdaramz commented 4 months ago

Thank you for the very quick reply 👍🏽