fork-dev / Tracker

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[Enhancement] Links to Azure Dev Ops work items in the UI #2080

Closed cnovel closed 4 months ago

cnovel commented 4 months ago


When the default origin is an Azure DevOps URL (eg{orgName}), if related work items are mentioned in the commit, create a link to the work items (eg{orgName}/_workitems/edit/1367697).

DanPristupov commented 4 months ago

In can configure that in Repository -> Settings for this repository -> Issue Tracker

cnovel commented 4 months ago

It's already the case: image

DanPristupov commented 4 months ago

The list is empty. Press '+' and add a rule for your server.

cnovel commented 4 months ago

OK, I was able to add the links to the work items! Thanks!