fork-dev / Tracker

Bug and issue tracker for Fork for Mac
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"Merge In Fork" sometimes does not work #2136

Open Dinoraptor101 opened 1 month ago

Dinoraptor101 commented 1 month ago

Reproduced the issue I mentioned earlier here's the info

Merge In Fork button is non-responsive

Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 2 57 47 PM

Previous file Merge In Fork worked, moving to the next one, Merge In Fork stopped being responsive.

Useful User Data:

Utils.JS Conflict State

export const calculateDistance = (lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) => {
<<<<<<< HEAD
    const R = 3958.8; // Radius of the Earth in miles
    const dLat = (lat2 - lat1) * (Math.PI / 180);
    const dLon = (lon1 - lon2) * (Math.PI / 180);
    const a =
      Math.sin(dLat / 2) * Math.sin(dLat / 2) +
      Math.cos(lat1 * (Math.PI / 180)) * Math.cos(lat2 * (Math.PI / 180)) * Math.sin(dLon / 2) * Math.sin(dLon / 2);
    const c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a));
    return R * c;

  export const getS3ImageUrl = (key, bucket, region) => {
    return `https://${S3_BUCKET}.s3.${S3_REGION}${key}`;

  export const formatDistance = (distance) => {
    if (distance < 1) {
      return 'less than a mile away';
    } else {
      return `${Math.ceil(distance)} miles away`;

  export const sortPostsByDate = (posts) => {
    return posts.sort((a, b) => new Date(b.createdAt) - new Date(a.createdAt));

  export const getGeolocation = (onSuccess, onError) => {
    if (navigator.geolocation) {
      navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(onSuccess, onError);
    } else {
      onError(new Error('Geolocation is not supported by this browser.'));
  const R = 3958.8; // Radius of the Earth in miles
  const dLat = (lat2 - lat1) * (Math.PI / 180);
  const dLon = (lon1 - lon2) * (Math.PI / 180);
  const a =
    (Math.sin(dLat / 2) * Math.sin(dLat / 2)) +
    (Math.cos(lat1 * (Math.PI / 180)) * Math.cos(lat2 * (Math.PI / 180)) * Math.sin(dLon / 2) * Math.sin(dLon / 2));

  const c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a));
>>>>>>> 3a14d20 (Fix LINTING, enable ESLINT (Use esLint Extension to visualise in vscode))

  return R * c;

 * ReadOnly Images Url
export const getImageUrl = (key) => {
  return `${key}`; /* Content Distribution Network URL */

 * ReadWrite Images Url (backend posts, this is here for reference.)
// export const postImageUrl = (key, bucket, region) => {
//   const S3_BUCKET = process.env.REACT_APP_S3_BUCKET;
//   const S3_REGION = process.env.REACT_APP_S3_REGION;
//   return `https://${S3_BUCKET}.s3.${S3_REGION}${key}`; /* S3 Bucket URL */
// };

export const formatDistance = (distance) => {
  if (distance < 1) {
    return 'less than a mile away';
  } else {
    return `${Math.ceil(distance)} miles away`;

export const sortPostsByDate = (posts) => {
  return posts.sort((a, b) => new Date(b.createdAt) - new Date(a.createdAt));

export const getGeolocation = (onSuccess, onError) => {
  if (navigator.geolocation) {
    navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(onSuccess, onError);
  } else {
    onError(new Error('Geolocation is not supported by this browser.'));

export const generateUUID = () => {
  return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) {
    const r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 16);
    const v = (c === 'x') ? r : ((r & 0x3) | 0x8);
    return v.toString(16);
DanPristupov commented 1 month ago

Please check if the log file has any errors. The log is located at ~/Library/Logs/Fork.log

Dinoraptor101 commented 1 month ago

I don't know how far back they go, but here's the logs I have

🔷> XCGLogger writing log to: file:///Users/negai/Library/Logs/Fork.log
🔷[AppDelegate.swift:399] > 
 _|_|_|_|                         _|       Fork 2.43.1
 _|           _|_|     _|  _|_|   _|  _|   Git: internal
 _|_|_|     _|    _|   _|_|       _|_|     Update Channel: develop
 _|         _|    _|   _|         _|  _|
 _|           _|_|     _|         _|    _|
🔷[RemoteServiceNotificationManager.swift:83] > Refresh Notifications...
🔷[RestServiceAuthentication.swift:204] > Loaded credentials for Dinoraptor101@
🔷[WindowManager.swift:236] > Restore workspace 'Work' with 1 windows and 2 tabs
◽️[RestServiceConnection.swift:88] > 298ms: GET (200)
⚠️[GitHubService.swift:144] > Cannot parse RemoteServiceNotification
⚠️[GitHubService.swift:144] > Cannot parse RemoteServiceNotification
⚠️[GitHubService.swift:144] > Cannot parse RemoteServiceNotification
⚠️[GitHubService.swift:144] > Cannot parse RemoteServiceNotification
⚠️[GitHubService.swift:144] > Cannot parse RemoteServiceNotification
⚠️[GitHubService.swift:144] > Cannot parse RemoteServiceNotification
⚠️[GitHubService.swift:144] > Cannot parse RemoteServiceNotification
⚠️[GitHubService.swift:144] > Cannot parse RemoteServiceNotification
⚠️[GitHubService.swift:144] > Cannot parse RemoteServiceNotification
⚠️[GitHubService.swift:144] > Cannot parse RemoteServiceNotification
⚠️[GitHubService.swift:144] > Cannot parse RemoteServiceNotification
⚠️[GitHubService.swift:144] > Cannot parse RemoteServiceNotification
⚠️[GitHubService.swift:144] > Cannot parse RemoteServiceNotification
⚠️[GitHubService.swift:144] > Cannot parse RemoteServiceNotification
⚠️[GitHubService.swift:144] > Cannot parse RemoteServiceNotification
⚠️[GitHubService.swift:144] > Cannot parse RemoteServiceNotification
⚠️[GitHubService.swift:144] > Cannot parse RemoteServiceNotification
⚠️[GitHubService.swift:144] > Cannot parse RemoteServiceNotification
⚠️[GitHubService.swift:144] > Cannot parse RemoteServiceNotification
⚠️[GitHubService.swift:144] > Cannot parse RemoteServiceNotification
⚠️[GitHubService.swift:144] > Cannot parse RemoteServiceNotification
⚠️[GitHubService.swift:144] > Cannot parse RemoteServiceNotification
⚠️[GitHubService.swift:144] > Cannot parse RemoteServiceNotification
🔷[RemoteServiceNotificationManager.swift:133] > Received 1 new notifications
🔷[RefreshRepositoryCommand.swift:198] > Refresh 'logosil-frontend' data. Updated
🔷[RefreshRepositoryCommand.swift:139] > Refresh 'logosil-frontend' status. Updated (2 files)
🔷[RefreshRepositoryCommand.swift:139] > Refresh 'logosil-frontend' status. Updated (2 files)
🔷[RefreshRepositoryCommand.swift:139] > Refresh 'logosil-frontend' status. Updated (2 files)
🔷[RefreshRepositoryCommand.swift:198] > Refresh 'logosil-frontend' data. Updated
🔷[RefreshRepositoryCommand.swift:139] > Refresh 'logosil-frontend' status. Updated (2 files)
🔷[RefreshRepositoryCommand.swift:139] > Refresh 'logosil-frontend' status. Updated (2 files)
🔷[RefreshRepositoryCommand.swift:139] > Refresh 'logosil-frontend' status. Updated (0 files)
🔷[RefreshRepositoryCommand.swift:198] > Refresh 'logosil-frontend' data. Updated
🔷[GitLfsProgressHandler.swift:42] > Temp LFS progress file: file:///var/folders/n2/_mpyy20d1vbb4xr88q48rh8r0000gq/T/B2D996B9-EEC3-4C9C-8B7D-31148672B581
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:327] > Url doesn't contain credentials
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:89] > Asked for username for ''.
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:95] > Checking if user logged into
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:97] > Using https authentication for ''
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:100] > Using oauth login
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:286] > Url contains credentials
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:315] > Url contains username only
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:122] > Using https authentication for ''
🔷[RefreshRepositoryCommand.swift:198] > Refresh 'logosil-frontend' data. Updated
🔷[RefreshRepositoryCommand.swift:139] > Refresh 'logosil-frontend' status. Updated (0 files)
🔷[RefreshRepositoryCommand.swift:198] > Refresh 'logosil-frontend' data. Updated
🔷[RefreshRepositoryCommand.swift:139] > Refresh 'logosil-frontend' status. Updated (0 files)
🔷[RefreshRepositoryCommand.swift:198] > Refresh 'logosil-frontend' data. Updated
🔷[GitLfsProgressHandler.swift:42] > Temp LFS progress file: file:///var/folders/n2/_mpyy20d1vbb4xr88q48rh8r0000gq/T/47970CF4-C8E5-474E-96A8-1D2869BAF3C1
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:327] > Url doesn't contain credentials
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:89] > Asked for username for ''.
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:95] > Checking if user logged into
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:97] > Using https authentication for ''
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:100] > Using oauth login
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:286] > Url contains credentials
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:315] > Url contains username only
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:122] > Using https authentication for ''
🔷[RefreshRepositoryCommand.swift:198] > Refresh 'logosil-frontend' data. Updated
🔷[RefreshRepositoryCommand.swift:139] > Refresh 'logosil-frontend' status. Updated (0 files)
🔷[RefreshRepositoryCommand.swift:139] > Refresh 'logosil-frontend' status. Updated (0 files)
🔷[AutomaticBackgroundFetchManager.swift:35] > Automatically fetching 'logosil-frontend'
🔷[AutomaticBackgroundFetchManager.swift:35] > Automatically fetching 'logosil-backend'
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:327] > Url doesn't contain credentials
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:89] > Asked for username for ''.
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:95] > Checking if user logged into
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:97] > Using https authentication for ''
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:100] > Using oauth login
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:327] > Url doesn't contain credentials
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:89] > Asked for username for ''.
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:95] > Checking if user logged into
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:97] > Using https authentication for ''
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:100] > Using oauth login
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:286] > Url contains credentials
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:315] > Url contains username only
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:122] > Using https authentication for ''
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:286] > Url contains credentials
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:315] > Url contains username only
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:122] > Using https authentication for ''
🔷[AutomaticBackgroundFetchManager.swift:35] > Automatically fetching 'logosil-frontend'
🔷[AutomaticBackgroundFetchManager.swift:35] > Automatically fetching 'logosil-backend'
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:327] > Url doesn't contain credentials
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:327] > Url doesn't contain credentials
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:89] > Asked for username for ''.
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:89] > Asked for username for ''.
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:95] > Checking if user logged into
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:95] > Checking if user logged into
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:97] > Using https authentication for ''
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:97] > Using https authentication for ''
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:100] > Using oauth login
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:100] > Using oauth login
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:286] > Url contains credentials
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:315] > Url contains username only
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:122] > Using https authentication for ''
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:286] > Url contains credentials
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:315] > Url contains username only
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:122] > Using https authentication for ''
🔷[RefreshRepositoryCommand.swift:198] > Refresh 'logosil-frontend' data. Updated
🔷[RefreshRepositoryCommand.swift:139] > Refresh 'logosil-frontend' status. Updated (0 files)
🔷[RefreshRepositoryCommand.swift:198] > Refresh 'logosil-frontend' data. Updated
🔷[RefreshRepositoryCommand.swift:198] > Refresh 'logosil-frontend' data. Updated
🔷[RefreshRepositoryCommand.swift:139] > Refresh 'logosil-frontend' status. Updated (0 files)
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:327] > Url doesn't contain credentials
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:89] > Asked for username for ''.
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:95] > Checking if user logged into
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:97] > Using https authentication for ''
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:100] > Using oauth login
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:286] > Url contains credentials
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:315] > Url contains username only
◽️[HandleAskPassCommand.swift:122] > Using https authentication for ''
🔷[RefreshRepositoryCommand.swift:198] > Refresh 'logosil-frontend' data. Updated
🔷[RefreshRepositoryCommand.swift:198] > Refresh 'logosil-frontend' data. Updated