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Unable to sign commit with GPG #2138

Closed foux closed 1 month ago

foux commented 1 month ago

Hi there,

Any time I try to sign a commit with GPG, I've got the following error :

$ git -c gpg.program=/Applications/ commit --gpg-sign=xxxxx --file=/var/folders/j4/vgcg6c491wvg6nt84h5935lm0000gn/T/xxxxxxx

error: gpg failed to sign the data:
[GNUPG:] KEY_CONSIDERED xxxxxxxxxxx 2
[GNUPG:] PINENTRY_LAUNCHED 2109 curses 1.3.0 - - NONE - 501/20 0
gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
[GNUPG:] FAILURE sign xxxxxxx
gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device

fatal: failed to write commit object

Any idea on how to solve this? Thanks

DanPristupov commented 1 month ago

Did you install pinentry-mac?

foux commented 1 month ago

It works after adding pinentry-mac and echo "pinentry-program $(which pinentry-mac)" >> ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf thanks!

Just FYI, as I had GNUPG tools installed prior ro Fork, I didn't get the message explaining about pinentry. Thanks for your help!