fork-dev / TrackerWin

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Error on trying stash 813 files #2109

Open foal opened 6 months ago

foal commented 6 months ago


System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The filename or extension is too long
   at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
   at Fork.Git.Interaction.GitRequest.Execute(JobMonitor monitor, Boolean silent, EnvironmentVariable[] environmentVariables)

Stash of the same set but in two portions (384+429) is working.

xenoblitz commented 4 months ago

@DanPristupov I have the same issue. Potentially the reason is this:

It seems that with enough files to stash even the new larger Windows limit is reached. I guess a potential solution would be to split the stashing into multiple commands in sequence. Shame this results in multiple stashes but at least it could help alleviate some of the problem.