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Add Open in Rider to Open in Dialog #2120

Open dcumings opened 6 months ago

dcumings commented 6 months ago

Add Open In Rider


Also would love to have Open in Webstorm

dcumings commented 6 months ago

Also in case it matters I use Windows 11 and Rider is my default for .sln. Also the sln base directory of the project (which ideally it wouldn't have to be) image

dcumings commented 6 months ago

This ticket relates to

dcumings commented 6 months ago

Temporary workaround are custom sh commands on the repo Rider: start *.sln || start **/*.sln (also works with nested solutions although it will throw an error at first if it is nested)

DanPristupov commented 6 months ago

Where is Rider installed on your computer?

Fork recognizes it in either

dcumings commented 6 months ago

My rider is installed here: C:\Users\dcumings\AppData\Local\JetBrains\Toolbox\apps\Rider\ch-0\233.13135.100\bin image Looks like they made a scripts directory to pick the correct version for you: %LOCALAPPDATA%\JetBrains\Toolbox\scripts image

Update for anyone wanting to do webstorm You will have to set scripts path for jetbains set PATH=%PATH%;%LOCALAPPDATA%\JetBrains\Toolbox\scripts after which you can do webstorm.cmd . as the command

dcumings commented 6 months ago

Article related to toolbox scripts

dcumings commented 6 months ago

I did have something odd where it seemed to have 2 of the same version of rider. image I manually deleted the folder for one of them and now it no longer shows in toolbox image vs image

DanPristupov commented 6 months ago

May be the installation paths have changed recently, but as I said, currently Fork will only find Rider if it's installed to


We'll add %LOCALAPPDATA%\JetBrains\Toolbox\* in the next update

DanPristupov commented 6 months ago

My rider is installed here: C:\Users\dcumings\AppData\Local\JetBrains\Toolbox\apps\Rider\ch-0\233.13135.100\bin

May be that's because you had multiple Rider instances. For me Toolbox always installs Rider to %localappdata%\Programs\Rider\.

Flern commented 5 months ago

I've lost my Open In as well. Per this post, the %PROGRAMFILES(X86)% path should also be included when discovering Rider installations on Windows.

Rider default location could be different and depends on your OS type and bit rate and the way you install the IDE.

If you use .Net Ultimate or Rider Standalone installer, the following directory is used by default: %LOCALAPPDATA%\JetBrains\Installations

If you have installed JetBrains .NET products for all users, the installation directory is: %\PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\JetBrains\Installations for 64-bit systems and %PROGRAMFILES%\JetBrains\Installations for 32-bit systems. If you install Rider via ToolBox, the default location is slightly different:

Windows: %LocalAppData%\Programs macOS: ~/Applications Linux: ~/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps

KaeptnHelmut commented 4 months ago

I installed Rider via winget and it got installed to %localappdata%\JetBrains\%version%\bin\rider64.exe, there was no "Installations" folder in between. Can you maybe add that path as well?