fork-dev / TrackerWin

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find button is very small #2152

Open jamesford42 opened 5 months ago

jamesford42 commented 5 months ago

The find/search icon is currently so, very small for a clickable button that i am mostly using ctrl+f, but i remember this being easier to do in some prior version, or at least wish it to be.

Actually i just realized something else about the behavior i would not have expected; Once i have clicked on the tiny icon once, i get the text edit box as a line, almost like its a rollout, and after that point i can click anywhere on the bar to refocus it.

So, proposal.. any of the following:

  1. Make the button bigger (its really quite small for such an element).
  2. Clicking anywhere on the bar that isn't on one of the right aligned icons is the same as clicking on the find icon.
  3. Have the textedit rollout always visible.
  4. Take the textedit out of the rollout, put it in the bar, there is plenty of room for it.

My preference is # 4 My muscle memory is expecting clicking anywhere in the bar to be equivalent, probably since its nearly the same space as the text edit box appears anyway.
