fork-dev / TrackerWin

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[BUG] Git error during every branch switch #2160

Closed vadsiraly closed 4 months ago

vadsiraly commented 4 months ago

Error during every branch switch: image

Related log entry: ⚠️ 2024-02-27 14:34:58.156 Git request failed '-c credential.helper="" -c credential.helper="C:/Users//AppData/Local/Fork/app-1.94.1/Fork.AskPass.exe" -c credential.helper="manager" submodule update --init --recursive --progress -- "packages"': error: pathspec 'packages' did not match any file(s) known to git

DanPristupov commented 4 months ago

Do you have a submodule packages in the .gitmodules file?

vadsiraly commented 4 months ago

Yes, it's not something of value, I think, it's been there for ages. But the error message is quite recent. I'll remove it, if that solves the error message.

DanPristupov commented 4 months ago

Fork tries to update submodule by calling submodule update --init --recursive --progress -- "packages". If you don't need to update submodules automatically, you can disable that in the application preferences.