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Add access keys (mnemonics) #320

Open Otiel opened 5 years ago

Otiel commented 5 years ago

Can you please add access keys (character used in combination with Alt to activate a control) to all menus and relevant controls?

This will improve productivity for those mainly using the keyboard.

SteveALee commented 4 years ago

I also find this lack extremely annoying.

The menu Access Key / mnemonics are a very old win 32 standard (though Office breaks with the tradition with the Ribbon etc). I learnt Windows programming with 3.0 for workgroups so have very old habits :)

VS Code does it right (except Alt by itself does not show the menubar) eg Alt + F drops down the File menu with mnemonics underlined on the bar and dropdown.


For more info search for Access Keys in Menus Keyboard

SteveALee commented 4 years ago

It's not JUST the menus. Access keys / mnemonics should be available for all controls in the UI, esp dialogs. Am surprised if the .NET UI lib you are using doesn't provided for these as such a basic feature. Thanks

DanPristupov commented 4 years ago

VS Code does it right (except Alt by itself does not show the menubar)

I like that the access keys are hidden by default. I'll try to find out how this is implemented.

SteveALee commented 4 years ago

In my win32 days you just plonked a & before the mnemonic char in the menu item or dialog lable definition and it just all worked :)

Otiel commented 4 years ago

In my win32 days you just plonked a & before the mnemonic char in the menu item

That's for winforms. In WPF, the character to use is the underscore _.

SteveALee commented 4 years ago

That's for winforms.

well before that - C API and resource editors :)

Otiel commented 4 years ago

I like that the access keys are hidden by default. I'll try to find out how this is implemented.

@DanPristupov What do you mean?

The Windows setting ("Underline access keys when available") sets this behavior:

I don't see how VS Code behaves differently than any other program.

DanPristupov commented 4 years ago


Ouch, sorry! I made a mistake quoting VSCode instead of Visual Studio.

Here's what I mean:

Usual menu click in Visual Studio doesn't show the underscored:

Screenshot 2019-10-15 at 15 39 53

However Alt+V (and any other Alt+key combination) makes them appear:

Screenshot 2019-10-15 at 15 40 45
Otiel commented 4 years ago

@DanPristupov Again, that seems standard. Or I don't see what's special here?? 😕

SteveALee commented 4 years ago


This is absolutely standard behaviour and has been since at least win 3.0. Also if you press and release ALT the mnemonic underlines appear, press again they dissapear (try notepad, the simplest and probably most standard app from win32 days as it's basically an edit control in a window with some menus.).

In addition if the menu bar is hidden the ALT key should it make appear with the menmonics displayed.

I just noticed Firefox has it a bit wrong as the menemonics are always displayed for me.

Also Windows Explorer doesn't now use underscores but shows the mnemonic in a square block. At least in my WIndows Insiders build. Interesting.

NN--- commented 4 years ago


I like that the access keys are hidden by default. I'll try to find out how this is implemented.

If you are in Windows, then this is the setting: image

Otiel commented 4 years ago

@NN--- Yep, that's what I described in my comment here.

Otiel commented 4 years ago

Any chance to see this implemented soon?

Otiel commented 2 years ago

More than one year since I've nagged you on this, this calls for a reminder. 😁

This would really benefit those that use the keyboard more than the mouse, is there any chance we can get this?