fork-maintainers / iceraven-browser

Iceraven Browser
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Harden browser via improved user.js #286

Open fu8765 opened 3 years ago

fu8765 commented 3 years ago

I don't believe iceraven is using any customized user.js it's a bit of a juggling act to get these right, however more and more of the competition on the chromium space are tightening privacy.

Mull-Fenix, a part of Divested Android OS, seems to have done so, with no usability impacts, as far as I can tell. and hey, for those rare cases once a month, just use another browser.

can you implement something from here?


interfect commented 3 years ago

It looks like a bunch of the telemetry off settings might be appropriate to take, just to make sure none of that stuff is somehow still active. However, they also do things like turning off geolocation and refusing to download h264 decoders, which trade off some potentially significant features. So I don't think we can just copy-paste the whole thing.

The other matter is where exactly we would put it. I don't think the userjs stuff actually lives in the Iceraven repo. We may be getting it from android-components, for which I very much want to keep using Mozilla's codebase, because I tried maintaining two forked codebases and it was more than twice as hard. It's not quite clear to me how their .js file ends up in the final APK, or how we could do the same thing via the plain Gradle build Iceraven is using.

I did have Iceraven nearly working with relan's F-Droid build scripts on which that repo is based. If you want Iceraven plus the Mull/Divested features, you could try pointing their builder at the Iceraven repo.

SkewedZeppelin commented 3 years ago

how their .js file ends up in the final APK

They get appended to mobile/android/app/mobile.js by the build script.

their .js file

The large bulk of it is, not mine