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Automatically pull ERC20 tokens #5

Open JonathonDunford opened 6 years ago

JonathonDunford commented 6 years ago

So, having to manually list every token is cumbersome and requires a constant developer on the project.

I propose we figure out a way for this system to list as many ERC20 tokens automatically as possible.

We could use CMC to pull every ERC20 token they have listed as a start and write some code that scans large exchanges later.

Is there a way to scan for new ERC20 tokens and automatically list them?

JonathonDunford commented 6 years ago

freeatnet commented 6 years ago

I'd like to automate the process of preparing an entry. In general, gathering information for a token listing is fairly tedious. Here's how it works for me:

  1. I get a contract address, an entity/company name, or a token symbol name. Typically this info comes from community suggestions or posted issues, but may come from trade volume list from ED contract or another exchange.
  2. I google to find other information to get all three pieces above.
  3. I google to confirm the contract address again, typically something like "<company-name> token add to myetherwallet", looking for a reasonably credible source (company webpage, blog, token subreddit, or a well-known generic crypto subreddit)
  4. I check etherscan to get an overview of the token (number of holders, transaction frequency, listed official contacts).
  5. I add a new entry to config/main.json with the contract address, symbol, decimals.
  6. I grep the file to make sure neither contract address nor symbol are double-listed.
  7. I create a copy of some token guide for the new listing, and copy in the official website. I then look to compile a reasonable token description.
  8. I then double check all values, commit and push the change.
  9. Go over to github and pull-request the listing, potentially setting a summary of the token or a related issue in the description.

So, that's the easy 9 step process. I would definitely love to automate filling in the values, but I'd like to keep a human in the loop to review these listings.

P.S. Oh, here's the fun part. Once there are a few new token listings, I then compile an announcement. An announcement consists of:

JonathonDunford commented 6 years ago

This API should have all of the info you need given a contract address: