addr: '0xAD6683b7f3618c44F5CA6040902812Dd890DdE4d'
decimals: 18
description: >-
The TNOS is a crypto project that aims to provide people and businesses with a trustable accounting unit. This trustable unit is TNOS Coin (TNO) token. So, by using the TNO altcoin, users get a robust and decentralized method of exchanging value between each other.
addr: '0xAD6683b7f3618c44F5CA6040902812Dd890DdE4d' decimals: 18 description: >- The TNOS is a crypto project that aims to provide people and businesses with a trustable accounting unit. This trustable unit is TNOS Coin (TNO) token. So, by using the TNO altcoin, users get a robust and decentralized method of exchanging value between each other.