forkineye / ESPixelStick

Firmware for the ESPixelStick
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flash espixel on wt32-eth #589

Closed Francesco-Rugg closed 1 year ago

Francesco-Rugg commented 1 year ago

I read about this board and ethernet support on ESP32 ethernet support

268 to test this board and the ethernet support what I need to do?

I'm a newbie and I have 3 wt32 with wled. I don't need the sd card but only an ethernet pixel node and swap from wled to espixel that I already run on 10 wemos d1 mini in my light show. I only need to download the ESPixelStick v4.0-beta4 and flash to the wt32 with the esp tool flasher?

Francesco-Rugg commented 1 year ago

Just found that I write this in the wrong section moved to discussion. Sorry