forkineye / ESPixelStick

Firmware for the ESPixelStick
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APA102 Support #724

Closed marcobrianza closed 5 months ago

marcobrianza commented 6 months ago

--------- Instructions -------- Please provide answers directly below each section. --------- Instructions ---------

ESPixelStick Firmware Version ESPixelStick_Firmware-4.0-ci7390878331

Hardware Version Lolin D32 PRO

Binary release or compiled yourself? CI release

Describe the bug

I was expecting support for APA102 since it is an ESP32 board but could not find the option as output in the combo box

MartinMueller2003 commented 6 months ago

APA102 is a compile time option. There was not a lot of call for it and I needed space for other protocols. You can recompile a version with it turned on.

marcobrianza commented 6 months ago

thank you for the clarification I'll try to rebuild the software, which I never attempted due to the extensive board support already present. Since there is a space problem I guess I need to disable other protocols. I'll go happily without Renard and GECE which to me are more exotic than a classic APA102.

marcobrianza commented 6 months ago

Hi @MartinMueller2003 I rebuilt the latest code but I'm not sure where to find the option to enable APA102 is it here?:

MartinMueller2003 commented 6 months ago

The magic happens in the GPIO Def files. There is one for each platform. Go to your platform and uncomment the APA102 line and comment out something else. For APA you will also need to set the SPI GPIO values to what you are using.

marcobrianza commented 6 months ago

I think that magic was already there for the D32PRO am I wrong?

MartinMueller2003 commented 6 months ago

Just loaded up my pro with latest code. You will find APA102 and WS2801 on Output port 7

MartinMueller2003 commented 6 months ago

That device has PSRAM and that allowed me to have all protocols enabled.

marcobrianza commented 6 months ago

ok, very good I see it. before I did not explore all the ports to look for specific protocols

marcobrianza commented 6 months ago

thank you for going through loading the code on the board to help me!

MartinMueller2003 commented 6 months ago

My pleasure

marcobrianza commented 6 months ago

I'm Back :-)

setting output 7 to APA102 (that by default uses GPIO 16 and 17) in D32PRO makes the board boot loop continuously

those GPIO are not availabe on D32 PRO for a reason and I think that is this:

I changed to these free ones

define DEFAULT_SPI_DATA_GPIO gpio_num_t::GPIO_NUM_15

define DEFAULT_SPI_CLOCK_GPIO gpio_num_t::GPIO_NUM_0

some thing happens to the LED but it does not look right to me. maybe I need to use other pins, what are the pins you recommend?

MartinMueller2003 commented 6 months ago

Make sure the pins you use are not used by any other output ports. Tyr GPIO 14 & 12

MartinMueller2003 commented 6 months ago

FYI: I do not have any APA102 pixels. Someone else tested them a long time ago. I would not be surprised if there is a timing issue.

marcobrianza commented 5 months ago

I have been investigating the APA102 support further but cannot make it work. I have tried GPIO 14 and 12 without success. To be sure it was not a hardware issue I tested WLED and the good old FastLED with success on the mentioned pins. They work flawlessly. I had a look at the code but sort of got lost in it. When I stated using APA102 10 years ago I had this reference In that era I was using AVR with hardware SPI writing frames in a very simple way with no timing issues due to the clocked nature of the protocol. (I can share that code if needed) For me trying to port things in project is out of my knowledge but I can support it testing and contribute donating a APA102 strip to the project. Please tell me if I can contribute in the above ways. I relay like the scope of this software focusing on interfacing LAN protocols to LED protocols, the ability to play sequences and the clean and logic UI.

MartinMueller2003 commented 5 months ago

I dont need a lot of pixels for testing. 10 or 20 pixels would be enough. Please contact me at and I will give you my address.

MartinMueller2003 commented 5 months ago

Fixes have been uploaded to the latest PR.

marcobrianza commented 5 months ago

I confirm the fixes are working

MartinMueller2003 commented 5 months ago

And my APA102 string just arrived in my mailbox today. Sigh.