forlilab / Meeko

Interfacing RDKit and AutoDock
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
169 stars 41 forks source link

rigid ligand docking #102

Closed alfredoq closed 2 months ago

alfredoq commented 2 months ago

Dear Meeko developers,

while preparing a molecule .pdbqt is there a way to indicate that all rotatable bonds should be kept rigid?

many thanks in advance,


diogomart commented 2 months ago

Dear Alfredo,

Yes with

-r "[*][*]" -b 1 2

These options are the short version of

  -r SMARTS, --rigidify_bonds_smarts SMARTS
                        SMARTS patterns to rigidify bonds
  -b i j [i j ...], --rigidify_bonds_indices i j [i j ...]
                        indices of two atoms (in the SMARTS) that define a bond (start at 1)
alfredoq commented 2 months ago

Thank you Diogo for the prompt reply,

and in case of using Meeko through the Python api, this should be indicated as a parameter? (which one?)

Thank you again!

diogomart commented 2 months ago

You are welcome.

It's rigidify_bonds_smarts and rigidify_bonds_indices. For example:

alfredoq commented 2 months ago

great! I will try it,
