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The summary , about learning and exercise on HTML #23

Open veemish opened 5 years ago

veemish commented 5 years ago


So the long form of HTML is a hypertext markup language. It's not a programming language. It's a markup language for creating webpages and HTML documents. It's a building block of a webpage. Tag Syntax <tagname>content</tagname> these are building blocks of the HTML page. example; <p></p>

HTML page structure <!DOCTYPEhtml>

<html> <head> <title> page </title>

<body> <h1,h2....h6> heading </h1,/h2..../h6> <p> paragraph </p> </body>


The!DOCTYPE tells the browser what type of HTML the document is actually written in.

the inline tags and block level element tags

Tag attributes <tagname atributename="atributevalue">content</tagname>

list tags

Table tags

<table></table> <th></th> for table head <tr></tr>for table rows <td><td> for adding data in the table. <tb></tb> table body

Form tags

<form action="" method"POST/GET"></form> <label></label>

so that's some of the summaries on HTML.

veemish commented 5 years ago
