form-js / forms.js

Fully featured javascript form builder
8 stars 4 forks source link

Have an option to first generate the form and then mount it on element later #40

Closed Trilmatic closed 4 months ago

Trilmatic commented 4 months ago

Just have an option like

buildForm(FormOptions) mountForm(Form, element)

The reason why this would be usefull is when we will be using the formsjs with reactive frameworks we could let asynchronously generate the form before the content is rendered and then render the form with the rest of the page istead of waiting for container element to render and init the form after that. Could make a difference in render speed on very large forms.

How exactly would this be done needs to be designed yet, this is just a very simple example and reasoning.

Trilmatic commented 4 months ago

This will not be implemented at least for now no reason to really implement this.