form-js / forms.js

Fully featured javascript form builder
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Password field improvements #71

Closed Trilmatic closed 6 days ago

Trilmatic commented 2 weeks ago

when allowPeek option is set to true eye icon appers at input end ( among with the possibility to peek/unpeek the password in the input.

The functionality can just change the field type parameter on inputElement from password to text and back.

DanielVenable commented 2 weeks ago

I could work on this. Can you assign this to me?

Trilmatic commented 2 weeks ago

Sure, assigned to you. Thanks!

Trilmatic commented 2 weeks ago

If you want to check how the icons could be implemented, might be best to do through css, same as it is on date fields. The file: packages\core\css\fields\dates.css:61. As icons it can be the eye and eye-off

DanielVenable commented 2 weeks ago

How do you set up a development server and import it locally?

Trilmatic commented 2 weeks ago

Currently we test the features using npm link into different local projects but we need a dev server so it is easyer to test features. I have created new issue #76 and will most likely look into that today.

Trilmatic commented 2 weeks ago

How do you set up a development server and import it locally?

If you pull from master there is now a local server available for local testing.

npm start and npm run watch are now available more info in More info is in You will still need to build changes in packages.

DanielVenable commented 2 weeks ago

Finished. Let me know if there is anything I need to change.

Trilmatic commented 2 weeks ago

Finished. #79 Let me know if there is anything I need to change.

Thank you added a few minor comments just regarding the usage of constants, other that that it looks great!

Trilmatic commented 6 days ago

Resolved by