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Nextjs link component not working together with Tabs #163

Closed mmailaender closed 10 months ago

mmailaender commented 1 year ago

We're using the nextjs link component inside of Tabs.Item and this is leading to some weird click-zone problem

image Green: The URL will be updated Red: The URL will be not updated

import { Tabs } from 'reshaped';
import Link from 'next/link';
  defaultValue={path.includes("templates") ? "1" : "0"}
    <Tabs.Item value="0" icon={<Docs />}>
      <Link href="/" passHref>
    <Tabs.Item value="1" icon={<Template />}>
      <Link href="/templates" passHref>

If we're wrapping Tabs.Item into Link then the active marker (underline) stops working image

  defaultValue={path.includes("templates") ? "1" : "0"}
    <Link href="/" passHref>
      <Tabs.Item value="0" icon={<Docs />}>
    <Link href="/templates" passHref>
      <Tabs.Item value="1" icon={<Template />}>
mmailaender commented 10 months ago

Any news on this? @blvdmitry

I've checked the problem a bit more - <Tabs.Item> renders a div => button => <span> => <div>, and the latest <div> is not filling the <Tabs.Item in height, so obviously I can't expand my link component more than the parent div

<span class="Tabs_buttonContent__ezZEx"> // <Tabs.Item>
  <div class=" Text_root__SNugT Text_--variant-body-3__GmJp2"> // <Tabs.Item>
    <a href="/" class="w-full h-full">Very long item 1</a> // my code
  </div> // <Tabs.Item>
</span> // <Tabs.Item>

Alternatively, you could provide a href prop for the <Tabs.Item> component - only not sure how to cover the <Link> specific behaviors.

blvdmitry commented 10 months ago

Looking at this issue for 2.3. Working with href still needs a Link wrapper to I'll look in ref forwarding and correct styles

blvdmitry commented 10 months ago

Also in case it's blocking right now, it should be possible to call next router methods inside the onChange handler

mmailaender commented 10 months ago

Thx for the hint - We have decided already two months ago to go with a custom tabs components. So we are not blocked, but I would like to eliminate this workaround 🙂

blvdmitry commented 10 months ago

Got it working, was a fun challenge for sure, going to release a patch this week

<Tabs defaultValue="1">
        <NextLink href="#hey" passHref legacyBehavior>
            <Tabs.Item value="1">Hey</Tabs.Item>
        <NextLink href="#hello" passHref legacyBehavior>
            <Tabs.Item value="2">Hello</Tabs.Item>