formapro / JsFormValidatorBundle

The Javascript validation for Symfony 2, 3 and 4 forms
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Added field entityId to requests when validating unique fields #144

Open bastos71 opened 6 years ago

bastos71 commented 6 years ago

Resolving issue #143

bastos71 commented 6 years ago

Okay no problem I think you're right :)

Just a few minutes and I will commit it

bastos71 commented 6 years ago

@66Ton99 The problem is : how do I pass entity object from PHP to Js Model ? I saw Fp\JsFormValidatorBundle\Model\JsModelAbstract::phpValueToJs() function but it would be dirty to change code here and write a specific case just for "entity" field, no ?

Any idea ?

Edit : because in my case my User entity has a method __toString (from FOSUserBundle), so it goes through the first "if"

public static function phpValueToJs($value)
        // For object which has own __toString method
        if ($value instanceof JsModelAbstract) {
            return $value->toJsString();
        // For object which has own __toString method
        elseif (is_object($value) && method_exists($value, '__toString')) {
            return self::phpValueToJs($value->__toString());
        // For an object or associative array
        elseif (is_object($value) || (is_array($value) && array_values($value) !== $value)) {
            $jsObject = array();
            foreach ($value as $paramName => $paramValue) {
                $paramName = addcslashes($paramName, '\'\\');
                $jsObject[] = "'$paramName':" . self::phpValueToJs($paramValue);

            return sprintf('{%1$s}', implode($jsObject, ','));
66Ton99 commented 6 years ago

Leave it as is. Put object as protected (or something like this, which will be ignored by phpValueToJs function) value it will allow extend base class and use all required fields for custom cases.

bastos71 commented 6 years ago

You mean by creating a custom Constraint that will extends UniqueEntity constraint ?

66Ton99 commented 6 years ago


bastos71 commented 6 years ago

Couldn't we just add the $entityId as public attribute in the UniqueEntity class ? That will cover 90% of the cases (I mean where entities have only ID as identifier / primary key) It is global enough to be implemented directly in the bundle in my opinion

I pushed a new commit with my changes

66Ton99 commented 6 years ago

This bundle used in many different ways, so it must cover at list 99% cases. In other way you can redefine all classes you need and do everything you want.

bastos71 commented 6 years ago

Sorry but I don't agree with you, the only fact to include the variable id (only, and only if it is accessible) on both JS and PHP sides is global enough in my opinion to be implemented in the bundle.

I will maintain my own fork to get future updates, hope you will change your mind