formbricks / formbricks

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[FEATURE] Separate Public & Private S3 Bucket #2765

Open jonas-hoebenreich opened 1 week ago

jonas-hoebenreich commented 1 week ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Currently, the same S3 bucket is used for both private data (file exports) and public assets (uploaded images). This approach has several drawbacks:

Describe the solution you'd like

  1. Private Data Handling:
    • Store private data in a temporary folder within the Docker container.
    • Ensure this data is deleted on container restart to reduce the chance of data leakage.
  2. Public Files Management:
    • Serve public files via a separate S3 bucket.
    • Allow users to configure this S3 bucket to use CloudFront for distribution to eliminate the need for authentication and to implement an efficient caching policy.


Describe alternatives you've considered

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Additional context

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mattinannt commented 1 week ago

@jonas-hoebenreich thanks for raising this issue :-) With private files you mean e.g. the temporary download link for the responses download? Or also the files provided by survey participants as file uploads?

jonas-hoebenreich commented 1 week ago

Ah, good point. Do be honest I don't really care about survey participant file uploads, I guess the current approach does work for them. Maybe just rename the files to something random to avoid that links can guessed. My concern are mainly response exports that contain sensitive data.